
The Boss's Worthless Son

'Emergency Room Doctor Murdered After Leaving Shift Late At Night'

That's what the headline read the following morning. 

After Luca Morelli was released from the hospital as John, the hospital became an unsafe place to work. Strange men would infiltrate the emergency department, seemingly hassling the workers for information about the person he left with but they were unable to disclose any personal information about his temporary guardian, nor would they bother her because people were asking. 

However, what was happening just under the surface was much more sinister. 

An older man sat at a large oak desk in a dark office. 

His black hair had streaks of grey throughout and his cold, calculating brown eyes scanned the men in front of him. Hands which boasted a gold signet ring on the pinky, were folded over his face, being the only thing holding in his angry outburst. 

"I thought I told you to kill him," the man at the desk said. "Now he's out spreading his flawed seed to the beta population. Why should I not have you killed for your inability to do your job?" 

A man wearing a fine suit bowed in front of the man sitting at the desk. The top of his head was balding and when his face looked up, revealing wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes, a look of terror shot through his face. 

"Boss, you should have seen him," the underling said. "He wasn't breathing after they took a metal bat to his skull."

"You didn't think to use a gun?" the boss asked, his fingers strumming along the top of the desk once they left his face. 

"Mr. Morelli, the street was busy. It was broad daylight," the nervous underling explained. "We didn't need to draw more attention when an opposing family has taken over most of that street." 

There was a man in a suit wearing glasses standing on the side of the room. Mr. Morelli, the man at the desk, gestured for him to come forth. The man in glasses then placed a folder on the desk. 

Mr. Morelli opened the folder and spread out the papers across the desk. There was information about Luca's diagnosis such as his amnesia and the drugs found in his blood. To get this information, they had to hack into the hospital's database while harassing the workers on the outside so they wouldn't realize the breach of data. 

Next to the hospital records, there was a paper about the temporary guardianship given to Sophia Prince. On the paper was a photocopy of her identification which included her address and phone number. Next to that sheet was a photograph taken of Luca as he was walking down the very street he was found in. 

Mr. Morelli knew that Luca couldn't hide forever. His son had never been all that subtle. It was why he needed to get rid of him in the first place. They were slowly closing in on Luca Morelli in a way that wouldn't draw too much attention. They needed to do it subtly and quietly. 

Since the underlings had failed to oust Luca permanently, Mr. Morelli would have to play the role of a caring father to get him out of that girl's house.

That was the problem with the earth being made up of widely betas, in Mr. Morelli's opinion. They had a certain lack of instincts and were heavily guided by emotions. This method of survival made the resulting offspring weak when compared to the alpha and omega pairings which resulted in genetically superior offspring. 

Mr. Morelli was so obsessed with keeping his bloodline strong because the alpha and omega populations were dying. The world was overrun by betas who had evolved past their pheromones and no longer relied on instinct to make decisions.

It happened decades before. 

When the world was only at the beginning of understanding hormones and the genetic makeup of the people who walked the earth, there were obvious differences in the population. However, to push for classification would further divide the human population at a time when they very much needed to be united. When scientists discovered that these differences went as far as the DNA of people, they were silenced. 

Only a few knew the truth of alphas, omegas, and betas as the doctors and scientists classified them. All evidence was destroyed and those who knew the truth were silenced. 

However, it was the alphas followed by the omegas who established families in secret to try and preserve their genetics which were being erased off the face of the earth. Since the betas couldn't understand the alpha and omega way of life, they were called mafias and blamed for crime throughout much of the cities. All they were doing was protecting their own.

However, from the inside, alphas and omegas saw the research. They had genetic superiority in terms of musculature, BMI, metabolisms, and less likelihood of various cancers or diseases. These were desirable traits they wanted to pass along to their offspring. After all, many of the greats of history were alphas or omegas. War heroes and businessmen were often alphas while saints, artists, and philosophers were often omegas. 

Despite historical importance, who they were was forgotten with time. The traits that omegas and alphas possessed were considered to be animalistic. The emotional betas insisted that their emotion-forward view of the world was superior simply because there were more of them. They couldn't see outside of their perspective.

Omegas went into heat while alphas went into ruts. Betas shamed them into hiding yet these were things they couldn't control. In this secret society created just under the surface of the regular world, people betas walk by on the streets every day are going through unfathomable things that they must keep hidden despite these things being built into their natural processes.

All Mr. Morelli, a dominant alpha, cared about was assuring that his son didn't spread his genetics throughout the widely beta population and lose what made alphas so strong and distinguished from the average beta male. 

Luca had already rejected a dominant omega who had been groomed to suit his needs from the day she was born. Since omegas were so rare, he was a stain on the family's name. There had never been an occurrence where the dominant alpha Morelli's were incompatible with the omegas offered by the other families. 

He had given his son everything he could give. He had a lavish life as a boss of an investment company to give him some sort of legitimacy in the beta world that they were forced to preside in. He was given a groomed and submissive woman who dedicated her life to being used by him with the promise of financial gain and an alpha or omega offspring due to their highly compatible genetics. 

For an alpha, that was all he should require. Yet he couldn't even uphold his end of the bargain. He couldn't do these things successfully to be the future of the Morelli family since his father was at an advanced age. 

Mr. Morelli needed to get Luca back in his reach. 

Who he deemed to be a stain on his superior family name needed to be eradicated immediately.

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