


I am no coward to not know what happened with the one percent sales. I knew someone was behind everything and all the time I had suspected Mr Lee not knowing that his father could equally be a candidate in suspicion.

My mind displayed the image of that old man, older than my father holding Domain's lips. I wonder what he would do to her in my absence.

I don't know much about her yet but one thing is clear. Her father sacrificed her for money and power. I was certain Domain was not part of his evil schemes. If Domain was then would no longer be alive and breathing on this planet.

I am sorry to whoever her father is but one thing is clear now. The lady was my goddamn responsibility and I would do everything in my power to shield her from every danger and use her as a living testimony against her evil father.

My eyes were opened after a long time and I froze in place. I was alone in a dark empty room with only one chair and the rest were weapons.

I looked at the ceiling board above me but froze further. A heavy metal above me and  I was dead if it fell on my precious head. I had to save myself at all costs. I'd rather throw my body to a different side other than wait for death.

Ta! Ta! Ta! Ta!

I could hear the footsteps and raised my eyes to meet with his sharp misplaced eyes. 'What The Fack!' So is that why he'd never left his dark shades even for a single minute?

"Any single mistake from you and your precious eyes will resemble mine." He said the back of his lips curved demonically.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked tensed and he smiled.

"You chose to pray on the wrong family my dear. Bestow is dear to me but not you!" He said angrily but I noticed something strange. Why was he not coming any closer? With his anger, he would have done something to hurt me.

"This is the Lee family punishment center." He winked and I didn't move an inch. I was aware of such tools from the Void family. It was one of the families with a facility set aside for torturing both family and non-family.



I opened my eyes after a long while to see Bestow right beside me. She looked nervous and sleep-deprived with dark circles around her eyes.

"You're finally awake, I am sorry Sebastian." She said tears flowing off her eyes.

"Where's Domain," I asked switching glances from side to side. Bestow's family was not a joke. My body strongly felt it when I thought accepting Bestow's marriage proposal would be like winning the lottery.

"She said she would keep watch outside." She said and I froze further. How the heck could she possibly agree to that? Didn't she see my goddamn appearance? I was alive thanks to someone who took a challenge to outsmart Bestow's father.

"Let's get me discharged," I said struggling to stand and she snapped.

"You're not stable to get discharged." She said and I smirked. As if I cared. All I wanted was to return to my home country and be with my family.

"My father's out of the country." She said and I relaxed.

"I want to talk to my sister," I said and she nodded signaling Domain to come over. "Could you give us some privacy?" I asked and she nodded locking the door behind her.

"Sebastian." Domain called moving closer. "What did those bastards do to you?" She asked and I smiled.

"Someone came for me, she must be one of the Lee family haters, the woman tagged armed and dangerous challenged Crane and she was so impressive," I said smiling mischievously as the strange woman's image came into view.

I was impressed by every move she made but I was hurt by the fact that wherever she would be, she was injured.

I stretched my hand and held Domain's shoulder for support. I could see her wince in pain. "What happened to you?" I asked and she smiled.

"I think am just tired from standing guard at the door." She said helping me to sit up straight. "I'll be fine after taking a nap." She said and I giggled gesturing her to sleep beside me.

"No thank you." She said looking away nervously. "I am supposed to be your sister Sebastian." I could see the back of her lips curved but after a while, it seemed like her own body betrayed her as her head fell straight on my lap.

I was about to stay back and rest until my eyes landed on the pale part of her shoulder. It was hell-red and I became curious as to why she would have such a mark. Did those crazy bastards hurt her during his absence? If they did then they would face his wrath.

I watched her for a while and slowly dozed off completely forgetting about Bestow.

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