


I find it hard to comprehend that, in the past, I was exclusively superior to everyone else. I only needed to say one word to silence everyone.

Here I was, trailing Domain into a dimly lit rental home. While every house in the neighborhood was occupied, there were not any that I found to be particularly pleasant. Our house was on the fourth floor, so I sighed as I climbed into an old elevator.

Cluck, clang, clang

My heart had been skipping beats for a while, so I held tight to the sides of the elevator. My valuable life was in jeopardy, and that thing was f*king old. I could feel the icy cold sweat trickle down my brow and land on my sensual pink lips.

"Nobody, try acting like a man." I was disgusted by the name "nobody" on me for no apparent reason after hearing Domain say it. I was Sebastian Yates, the sole legitimate heir to the Yates family, and I was not an insignificant person.

How in the world could I be so unworthy? "Hello, my name is Sebastian. Feel free to refer to me as a nobody once more. I will be more than capable of removing that damn hair from your head." I said as I opened the door to the shady room and moved ahead of her.

"WTF, hello, are you expecting us to stay here?" With a disgusted look around the room, I asked. It was filthy, covered in spiderwebs and dust from a millennium or more. When was the last time that old apartment was occupied?

"Sebastian, or whoever you call yourself, get yourself together and let us get our asses to work. We have been through worse." Domain explained, placing our small bag on the floor, that we had just returned from a quick shopping trip with the coins she discovered during her search.

At least for the first time since my father abandoned me, I was able to change my clothes.

"As you wish, my lady." I said, trying to make my ass work. With her strict guidelines, I swept the floor and with plenty of water and some soapy detergent she mopped the house.

"It's sparkling clean Domain, I finally feel comfortable." I complemented both our hardworks but of course it was all thanks to her unending spirit.

With the little we bought, she set the kitchen, my room and finally hers. "Take the room and I'll take the coach." I said grabbing the thin shits to use as a blanket.

"As agreed, I'll use the coach Sebastian." She said and I din't find it right.

"Just call me brother instead." I corrected as a matter of fact, I din't like the identity of a nobody neither did I want her to call me Seb. Brother would definitely be better for that case.

"I'll go find a job tomorrow," I said looking at the small window in the room. "It's the only way to survive and ensure that we're not kicked out of this place." I said standing to leave the seat and relax room heading straight to my room.

"I bought us something for dinner, you can't sleep on an empty stomach brother." She said and I mused. So she really cared about me? Does such really exist? I never cared for anyone apart from myself and that's how I've always been growing up.

No one was worth my concern, not even Myra my sister. All I really cared for was myself and nothing much.

"Thank you siz." I said sitting on the couch right beside her because it was the only thing in that small room. I watched as she headed straight to the kitchen and came back with two packed tins.

Of course I could tell that the meals were from a some shady and unhealthy place. I remembered the last time I ate from such place under the influence of Myra but what happened afterwards was so uncalled for.

It's not like I had a choice anyway, it could be the only meal available for a whole week or maybe a month who knows. To increase my chances of survival I had to dig in.

My teath had trouble bitting and slicing through those hard pieces of meat. I could feel pain and close my eyes tightly whenever I wanted to bite one.

"Take this one, it's soft and easy for any softie." She said smiling mischievously, I wanted to refuse the offer but it was so tempting that in no time, I shifted to eating from her plate instead and she only watched with a smirk.

"Goodnight." I said walking away and she nodded switching of the lights and covering her body with the shits. I felt pity for her, the weather here was unbearably frigid and the minimum number of blankets one should cover themselves with is at least two.

I din't know much about this city and could only settle to have it as X city just as I was told by some passers by I din't even know. One thing was clear about the city though, the weather would mostly be frigid due to the snow.

The most captivating part of the story is yet to come, just stay tuned for more.

Invincible_Warriorcreators' thoughts
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