
Chapter 216 - Guessing game*

Erik's question impregnated the air and caused Alice to fall silent. She was currently leaning against Emma, who was caressing Alice's hair and holding the girl in her arms. The tears had finally dried up now, and her eyelids seemed to be getting heavier.

The emotional venting, turmoil, and revelations had tired the girl out.

"I— I don't know," she finally sniffed sadly, her head lolling a little in Emma's bossom.

"Why don't you sleep on it," Erik softly suggested. "You can decide in the morning."

"O— Okay,"Alice nodded slightly, before tightening her grip on the white-haired maid. "C— Can I… sleep with you, Emma?" she murmured softly. Her eyes were already half-closed, and sleep was not far away.

Emma looked at Erik with a questioning gaze, clearly asking Erik for permission before answering. In response, Erik chuckled, and nodded. He wouldn't have minded if Emma had simply agreed to it. After all, Alice not only a girl, but also ten-years-old.

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