
Chapter 234: Loren Believes Lanci Definitely Understands Not to Put His Life in Danger_1

After Lanci answered, the office fell quiet for a while, with only the hands of the classical wooden wall clock continuing to tick.


After a brief period of silence, Loren leaned back against his chair, which had both an air of authority and a sense of warmth.

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Loren smiled and said to Lanci and Hyperion.

Even without asking, Loren had a general understanding.

Lanci wanted to go further north, seeking a powerful challenger from a different race.

Only that would be a challenge worthy of him.

It's good for training, this guy needs to be taught a lesson.

I can't be too tough on him.

But once he goes to the Northern Continent, they won't pamper him.

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