
Chapter 546 Yu Ting

The desolate Hong Ze Domain, where four shadows walked the land, feeling the essence of the domain; as their auras unfolded without restraint, life seemed to once again stir within this silent world.

In the mountains beyond the Hong Ze Domain, the Azure Sea Turtle was waiting for Xu Yan and the others to return, all the while remaining vigilant and ready to send a message at any moment.

This region, under the influence of the Hong Ze Domain, was shrouded in darkness amidst the chaos, even more silent and void of any True Spirit presence.

"Staying here is a bit discomforting."

The Azure Sea Turtle sighed.

Yet, gazing at the Hong Ze Domain, its heart was still trembling, though the feeling of fear had subsided a bit since the beginning.

"I must overcome this fear!"

The Azure Sea Turtle gritted its teeth, staring at the Hong Ze Domain, hoping to confront and vanquish the deep-seated dread within its heart.

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