
Chapter 234 - Feature 2! Weird and Terrifying Effects!

"Your skill, Random Surgical Skills, has leveled up to LV6!"

A mechanical voice sounded off in Zheng Cheng's mind.

In his mind, the rune representing Random Surgical Skills began to shine brighter.

More runes emerged from the void, gradually merging into the original rune.

This made the Skill rune's area larger and the pattern more complex.

The light, too, became brighter and brighter.

With a thought in his heart, the characteristics of Random Surgical Skills immediately appeared before Zheng Cheng's eyes.

"Random Surgical Skills LV6: Change Ability, can perform on any corpse or target in a coma, paralyzed, or semi-paralyzed. After success, the target's body or specific organs can be dissected."

"Feature 1: Biological DNA Collection. Each time you dissect a different creature, you can obtain its DNA. After dissecting the same creature multiple times, you can get the most complete DNA of the target creature for classification, comparison, and research."

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