
Chapter 214 Terrifying Dark Food! Sphere of Influence!

In front of Zhuang Shuai lay a dozen roasted red, black-skin worms, still emitting a curl of black smoke.

The heads and joints of the black-skin worms were broken, their abdomens opened and internal organs scooped out, resembling a large shrimp curled up.

"My lord."

A few soldiers came over, looking surprised, "Can you eat these?"

Zhuang Shuai patted his shoulder, "Of course, we can eat! I am a master chef after all!"

Saying so, he cut off a large piece of worm meat and shoved it into the hands of one of the soldiers.


The soldier looked at the large piece of meat in his hand, unconsciously swallowing.

The reddish-black color, clumped together, looked like a large piece of brain that had been roasted, giving off a peculiar aroma.

Zhuang Shuai waved his hand vigorously, "Eat!"

The other soldiers also egged the soldier on, "Eat quickly, eat..."

The soldier with the worm meat in his hand made a grimace, gritted his teeth, and took a big bite.


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