
Chapter 119: Inferior Humans Seeking Refuge in Blue Star? The Half-Inferior Human Tribe!

Radiation Island Planet.

Thousand Bamboo Island.

This is a small island located on the north side of the Radiation Island Planet; a thousand years ago, the island was renowned for its lush bamboo forests.

After the invasion by the alien races and the nuclear radiation that swept the entire planet, the entire bamboo forest on Thousand Bamboo Island was destroyed by explosions.

Under the continuous influence of the endless nuclear radiation over a thousand years, bamboo has regrown on Thousand Bamboo Island.

In contrast to before, the bamboo that grows now is as hard as iron, sharp at the top, and covered with rows upon rows of barbs.

If any living thing gets too close, these bamboo barbs can automatically shoot out to kill their target, then use the roots of the bamboo to drag them closer, and devour them!

Thousand Bamboo Island has thus been renamed to Man-Eating Bamboo Island!

Right now, however, Man-Eating Bamboo Island is exceptionally empty.

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