
Chapter 78: New Features? Are You Qualified to Join Our Team!

The hostile individual discovered by Zheng Cheng, was quickly surrounded by the other night watchmen following him.

In no time at all, they apprehended him.

For Zheng Cheng, it was another merit to his credit.

As for who this person was and why he was hiding there, it was no longer his concern.

The next day, he continued patrolling.

After upgrading the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique to LV2, its detection range dramatically increased to 300 meters.

This made his monitoring process even faster.

He managed to uncover three professionists harboring hostility towards the night watchmen!

By the afternoon of the third day, after continuous use of the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique, its proficiency was finally maxed out.

The Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique successfully leveled up to LV3!

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