Once Chun Xi left, Concubine Xue immediately threw the flower pot in her arms away and disdainfully said, "It stinks to death, a treasure? Who knows where they dug up such wild flowers, quickly throw them out."
The Palace Maid, shivering, looked at the shattered flower pot on the ground, "My lady, this was a gift from the Crown Princess..."
Concubine Xue glared at the Palace Maid, "I told you to throw it away; where did all this nonsense come from?"
"This servant will take it out and throw it away at once." The Palace Maid dared not say another word, knelt on the ground, cleaned up the broken flower pot along with the flowers, and threw them into the back garden.
Concubine Xue lowered her head to smell the scent on her body and still found it unpleasant, "Prepare hot water, I need a bath, I'm so annoyed."
The maids efficiently prepared the hot water and aided Concubine Xue in her bath.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: