The three-year-old Yinyin had just learned the etiquette of paying respects, lispingly saying, "Grandson pays his respects to Imperial Granny."
The Empress saw him and lifted her handkerchief to cover her smile, "Yinyin has also learned the etiquette of paying respects. Although it's not as good as Yunyun's, he is only three years old. By the time he's five, he will certainly do much better."
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the praise," chuckled Concubine Yun with pride, glancing at Yunyun, "When Yinyin turns five, he will surely know much more than just paying respects."
The Empress nodded in agreement, "Of course, Yinyin is smart and lively; by five, he will undoubtedly be very impressive."
Concubine De heard this and felt very displeased in her heart. What's so great about being five? Yunyun knew a lot when she was five too!
"Yunyun began reciting ancient poetry when she was three and showed no interest in the butterflies in the Imperial Garden."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: