Auntie Yang's heart gave a lurch when she saw his expression so very serious.
"Young man, you aren't serious, are you?"
Song Yi nodded, "Yes."
His face, considered delicate among the village youth, flushed slightly.
He introduced himself in all earnestness.
"Ma'am, I'm twenty-three this year, with no bad habits. My parents have passed away, and there are a few unimportant elder brothers and uncles in the family.
My monthly salary is twenty-three yuan and five jiao, also I have various ration coupons.
As long as the girl has good character and there are no exceptionally bad people in her family, I'm willing to consider her. I don't mind being a son-in-law who moves into his wife's home..."
Xiao Heping sat on the side, resting with his eyes closed.
Upon hearing the two's conversation, his brow twitched, and the corners of his mouth spasmed uncontrollably.
"...Song Yi!" he said with a cold voice.
Must you be so familiar?!
Song Yi stood straight, responding loudly, "Present!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: