
Chapter 874: President Lu, are you really not going in?

Qiao Yin shook her head with a smile, "Why do I feel like you're on your way to becoming my diehard fan? No matter what I do, you praise me, and if I do something bad, you can always find a good excuse for me."

Number 517 was confused, "What is a 'diehard fan'?"

Qiao Yin didn't explain, she just said, "It seems your memory still needs to recover more; you've forgotten a lot of words. Have you remembered anyone lately? Or remembered anything from the past?"

"I have a vague feeling that I might have a younger sister."

"You have a younger sister? So there are three siblings in your family? You're the eldest, with a brother and a sister below you, is that right?"

"It seems so, I really can't remember clearly. It's just that yesterday, when I saw a parent bringing a brother and sister to the hospital, I suddenly had that feeling."

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