
The ignition ritual

I'm listening to Raehla and Lissa try to explain the ignition ritual.

It seems that nobody really knows how to use the wand relic, or even how the ritual is supposed to work.

Raehla has some educated guesses, made after years of collecting rare ancient texts and piecing together fragments of information obtained far beyond the kingdom's borders.

She says to activate a wand weapon, a party of selectees is required. The party always consists of a Wand Bearer and one or more Heros. The ignition ritual is then a series of performances; some actions optional, but the last action determines the weapon effect: area or directed.

Unfortunately, descriptions of the ritual actions were never found.

However, Raehla's breakthrough was finding a cryptic description of five actions on a mislabeled tablet. It may not be relevant, but her experiments with Lissa suggest that it is. And so, they have a working translation.

First, the Wand Bearer establishes a bond with the relic. Raehla thinks this is some kind of dream-like connection, perhaps meditation.

Second, the Hero of the Heart optionally holds the weapon close to her heart and "sings to the rhythm of the heart". The song is not known, and how it works is also not known, but the effect is to increases power.

Third, the Hero of Words optionally whispers sacred phrases to the relic. The phrases are not known, but some phonetics have been identified from other texts. The sounds must be made very close to the weapon. This too unlocks more power.

The fourth step involves the Hero of the Abyss (or Soul Bearer in another translation), but this step's action is unknown, that part of the tablet having been lost. However, it is clear that this adds vastly more power and resulting in an undirected wide-area effect. Because this is tactically undesirable, and the step is optional, Raehla has chosen to ignore the fourth step.

Finally, the Hero of Holding directs the weapon at the enemy, instructing the Wand Bearer (in meditation) when to ignite the wand.

After the ritual, a cool-down period is required. The exact duration is unknown, but it is possibly a day.

Clearly excited, Lissa cries out "Let's try him out now!"

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