
Chapter 39: A Demons Therapy

Raven felt like cackling as he manipulated the shadows of people to trip. Nothing great by itself, but when he made people trip onto each other, oh the chaos began.

Students began turning their wands on each other, of course those who got too violent found themselves mysteriously tripping over themselves and into spell fire from all sides.

Clumsiness is truly the world's worst enemy.

"Hehe." Raven quietly laughed to himself enjoying the chaos. Idly he went to do some more stuff, but he felt like all his energy suddenly left him.

"Oh." Raven said in realization. The "high" he was experiencing from the excess light energy of the Angel was finally out his system and he was crashing.

So with a bit of mental effort he turned into his crow form and flew out the closet open window and landed by the lake turning back into a human.

Raven just let himself change back and fall into the ground, back first. Staring into the sky.

The beautiful night sky stared back at him, or so he hoped. It was gorgeous, and he wished to always see it. The moons light enhancing its beauty as it slowly flew around the sky.

He idly wondered about the moon.

In many myths, a moon god or goddess would pull the moon, but what exactly was the moon. Despite the divinity associated with it, the moon possessed its own strength and abilities.

"Yes, it's truly beautiful. You of all people agree yes?" Raven asked as he titled his head towards the wolves nearby him having come out the forest.

The wolves stared at Raven in curiousness. He looked like prey, felt like a predator, but smelt like a mix of prey, predator and apex.

"Come on. I won't bite." Raven teased the wolves as he sat up and patted the spot beside him. The three wolves moved forward and sat near him, though they were ready to pounce or run at a moments notice.

Pleased with his current companions, Raven laid back down and returned to staring at the sky and moon.

The smallest wolf, he assumed the child of the two, let out a small growl at him, and he snorted.

"No, I'm not human… I'm not sure what I am anymore." Raven said, idly noting that understanding animals became a hell of a lot easier now.

"Woof!" One of the wolves, a glance showed it was the momma wolf, said and he pondered that.


Ravens PoV (first pov, something new I'm trying here)


I… I didn't know how to feel. I mean sure, I knew I wasn't enterly human, always assumed so growing up. Hell, I had my heart ripped out three times and regrow, that's not normal, even by wizard standards.

I mean, I don't have anything against non humans, hell my fucking bestfriends are dead apostles. I'm a decent friend with Hagrid. My cat is basically my therapist, except she can't respond to me… well now she can.

Hmm, this is an interesting conundrum. Why am I so worked up over this?

"Woof!" Oh, momma wolf wants an answer. Probably should so she doesn't get violent, I don't need three new pelts.

"Ok ok. I'm not sure why I'm enterly upset over what I've gone through." I responded, and she seemed to roll her eyes as she moved to stare me in the eyes.

"Grrr." Oh, so she wants my backstory? "Gr." Ok, she just wants why I'm upset.

"Well, it all started when I learned to take on the form of a crow. I had my soul attacked by this thing called Legion, tough bastard that he was, and I learnt several things about myself I'm probably repressing." I said and let my eyes fall into the woods where I felt the twins listening nearby.

That's fine, they can know.

"I, I learnt how I was kidnapped by this fucking ugly bastard. The day after my mom brought me home from the hospital. He tortured me over the years, ripping out my heart and internal organs. Yet, I somehow lived it over three times. I ripped all the hearts of the people who did it to me out myself."

"Yet, despite all that, I still feel hollow, like something's missing. I always have, and now I know, despite only having seen her once, I know what I needed to be full again. My mom. It sounds corny, especially since I don't even know her." I felt tears in my eyes, finally getting all this off my chest felt good.

"I wanted revenge, so I gutted all those bastard, and yet, I don't feel any satisfaction from it. I want THE bastards head. He's still out there, and I want to rip his organs out and off and feed them to him." I said as I gripped the ground with my nails having turned into claws.


Huh, I supposed I did. Yeah, I really need to work on my issues.

"Yeah, I definitely do need to work on those issues of mine. I killed my last therapist, want their job?" I asked and momma wolf snorted, or the equivalent of it as she rubbed her head against mine before standing up and walking off, but not without a soft nose press to my forehead.

"Did I just get adopted?" I asked myself a bit flattered.

"That, you did mate." The twins voice said as they finally came out of hiding. "Kinda amazing." The other one spoke grinning.

"Oh you two looking for a fight?" I asked grinning, feeling their magic come to the surface to enhance themselves, I grinned and let my own come to the surface.

This is exactly what I needed. Therapy from my apparently now mother wolf and a good old throw down with two dead apostles, even if I went all out the twins would get destroyed, so I'll make sure to hold back.

Just a bit, gotta remind them I'm in first place.

"Let's do this!" I said and in a moment I vanished, reappearing with a spin kick to one of their heads sending them flying away.

Oh yes, this would be fun.


3rd pov


Raven giggled as he waited for the twins to return back. He idly created a whip, he'd go with the Lorelei method for now.

Of course he'd hold back in his technique, he didn't want to accidentally kill the twins. Neither of them were at the point of strength or gathered mystery that their bodies would rewind to heal. They just had very fast regeneration.

Raven heard a grunt before he saw one of the twins flying towards him as fast speeds. Most likely chucked at him.

"Tally-ho!" Raven laughed as he used his whip to pull himself out of the way. Another flick of the wrist had it wrapped around a pole he created and impaled in the ground to sling shot him back and land a hard double kick to the chest.

Using the force of the recoil, he landed on his feet and ducked to avoid the clawed hand aiming for his back. A low sweep kick took the legs out and did a shoulder throw to gain some distance as he flicked his whip at the other twin sending them back to the other one.

Idly he wondered just what made the twins special. Besides the fact they were his bestfriends, no, more like brothers. Yet, despite it all, he wondered just what allowed for the twins to have concurred the sunlight weakness inherit to their race.

A flick of his wrist send a blast of flames at the two as he waved his hand and forced the flames to take on shapes of animals. Mainly wolves. He had to show some homage to his adopted mother no?

A second wave of his hand had an earth wall rise up around the twins blocking their path momentarily as they were forced to get out the way by full force slamming into the earth wall with their claws weakening it, letting them break through it.

"Not bad." Raven mused as he called the fire wolves back to himself. The three fire wolves standing protectively in front of him.

"Ha!" Raven caught the leg swung at him and flung them away as he took a punch to the cheek, and only grinned as he slowly turned towards the twin who landed the hit.

A tooth was spat out his mouth alongside some blood as he grinned.

"Meep." The twin said as they tried to run.

"Nope. Ima plant me some dumbass trees!" Raven grinned ferally as he took on his Dawn Trigger.

A instant burst of speed had him throwing the twins into the ground with ease as he left only their heads free.

"Ahahahaha. Two orange tree saplings. Better make sure I water them." Raven cackled as he created a planet filler with water in it and started pouring it onto the twins. His tail was idly fixing the dirt around their necks to sell it.

"This is hilarious. I gotta take a picture." Raven laughed as he returned to normal, vanishing the watering can as he created a camera and took a picture of the muddy and soaked twins who were glaring up at him, but their humor was threatening to break out at him laughing.

"Hahaha I need this." Raven laughed heartily as he stored the picture away and vanished the camera.

Eventually the twins got out and cleaned themselves up as they joined him in watching the stars.

They all just made idle conversation about what it meant to be nonhuman.


Sorry for the long wait, shit kept popping up. Crap to do, and then the Christmas time curse finally appeared today.


•High Fever

•Ear pain

•slight throat pain

•Headache stronger then my MC post series

•Throwing up (haven't done that in a long time)

So yeah, shit got delayed and I feel like crap now, I'm just happy to have gotten this chapter out.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

-Voidy, The Sick Insomniac

P.S. Love you all.

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