
Testing gone wrong

The stillness of the morning atmosphere was quickly betrayed by the high velocity loud thumping noises that reverberated across a few meters.

The next moment, a tall handsome dark haired youth rushed through the forest, his expression warped into that of urgency, as he blitzed past multiple trees at untold speeds.


Behind him were a group of overly large wolves tens of times larger than their mordern day counterparts. The murderous and bloodthirsty expressions on their faces was enough to give enough a fright. Behind the pack of dire wolves was an alpha. A deep black coloured wolf that although wasn't as large as the others, the intelligence and cunning in its eyes could not be concealed.

Rushing towards his cave with all of his might, Alan tried his very best to escape from the pack of direwolves from which he had usurped a meal from.

In an attempt to test out his own strength, he had ended up stealing a freshly killed reindeer from the wolves and engaged in a fierce battle with them, only to realise the folly of his actions.

"Come on guys! I was just joking. I didn't really plan on stealing your meal.."

Frantically screaming, he ducked and skid across the ground, dodging a slash from one of the claws from one wolf.

It's only been a few days since he had discovered his abilities, and he had already become irreconcilable enemies with the overlords of the mountain range he resided in.

With his current strength, fighting them one on one wouldn't be much of a problem, but these wolves knew no honor and only prided themselves in defeating their foes in a pack, which he knew he could definitely not defeat now.

Hurling himself into the air, he narrowly dodged an attack from the alpha who seemed to have taken a detour towards him.

Hissing in pain at the claw marks on his chest, his eyes turned murderous, as he immediately switched to his dinosaur form, growing tough rocky scales all over his body and sharp claws.

"Fuck it! I've had enough of running. If you guys want to do this, then come on!!"

He tightened the muscles in his thighs and readied himself to attack.


With the command from their alpha, the wolves sprung into action almost instantly, slashing their claws and biting towards him.

With almost no battle experience, Alan relied on the clairvoyant ability of his that only manifested when his life was in danger.

He sidestepped and dodged an attack from one wolf and punched it to the side with immense strength, leaving himself defenceless for a moment. One wolf instantly attacked him from a blind spot and bit into his arm, shattering all the bones in it, as he roared out in pain.


Using his other hand as a blade, he pierced through the eye of the wolf and killed it instantly. Before he could even catch a breath, more of the wolves jumped towards him and began biting and slashing out their claws, trying to kill him with their numbers. Gritting his teeth in pain, Alan retaliated with all he had, punching and kicking any wolf in his path, but after a moment, the alpha wolf cunningly bid it's time and waited for a decisive moment to strike. The moment Alan kicked one wolf into a tree, his clairvoyance kicked in, however his body was too exhausted to even react. A massive claw smashed into his head, and clawed at his face, sending him flying into the distance while spitting blood. Seeing as its attack had worked, the alpha wolf commanded the others, to attack in a three prong formation.

"Aren't you going to spin already. I'm getting my ass kicked here!"

Rising to his feet, Alan turned towards the dharma wheel on his back and roared, before he immediately rolled to the side and punched one wolf right in the snout, with nearly all of his strength. The head of the wolf instantly burst apart, covering him in a mess of blood and gore. He had not even caught his breath when the alpha attacked once more and bit towards him, using its powerful jaws. Without wasting time, he raised his already injured arm in an attempt to block the alpha.


He screamed out in pain, as the alpha chomped on his arm and ripped it off his body, blood spurting out in the process.

Gritting his teeth in pain, he only now realised that among the pack of twelve wolves, he had only managed to kill 2 of them.


Cursing out inwardly, he took a step back and instantly made a run for it. Yes, he was cowardly, that he did not refute, but he was no masochist. Subject himself to untold levels of pain, such as getting lynched by a pack of wolves just test out his strength or to grow stronger was definitely not his thing.

Before he could even cover a distance of a couple of meters, a claw smashed into his head, ripping through a part of his scalp and sending him flying into the distance, as he crashed into a rock and slid down pathetically.

'Fuck. Dying to a pack of wolves was definitely not on my bucket list..'

Watching the wolves rush towards him he chuckled and sighed. But in that instant, a sound like bells chiming rang out, as a smile crept onto his face.


The dharma wheel rotated once, and instantly, he felt a wave of cool energy rush into his body, healing all of his wounds in an instant. He could feel his body grow stronger, and his muscles and bones increase in density. The next moment, his canines grew out, becoming sharper and extremely durable while claws emerged from his fingers, gleaming like blades.

The scent of blood seemed to affect his senses, as his whole body began to perfused a malevolent aura.

The alpha immediately halted in its steps, being extremely sensitive to emotions. It could feel the changes that were occurring around the puny insect.

"Hehehe! Hehehehe!! You guys are so dead!!"

Alan immediately arose from the ground and shot towards the wolves with blinding speed. Readying his claws, he slashed out in quick succession, decapitating and ripping apart one wolf in an instant.

He laughed maniacally and picked up the limb of the fallen wolf and began chomping on it with his canines.


The wolves howled in anger, but Alan was unmoved. Laughing, his body blasted forward at full speed, before he launched himself into the air and descended with a punch that smashed into the head of another wolf turning it into meat paste, as its blood splashed onto himself and the other wolves.

He wasted no time, and descended into the midst of the other wolves. His senses had improved greatly allowing him to effortlessly detect incoming attack even without looking.

While remained unscathed, in the end, the only things left on the battlefield was the completely mashed up bodies of the wolves drowned in pools of blood, while his own body was covered in blood and gore.

Seeing its pack defeated, the alpha quickly dashed into the forest, while Alan chased after it with bloodlust in his eyes.

He was extremely agile, leaping from tree to tree, as he tailed the wolf who was dashing through the forest in fear.

After minutes of giving chase, Alan finally cornered the wolf near a large stream.


The wolf howled and bared it's teeth, hoping to scare away Alan, however he only laughed in response.

"Not so tough now are you?.."

Alan then rushed towards it, and instantly engaged in a bloody battle with the wolf, he finally finished it off in the stream, dyeing the blue water red with blood.

"Damn, that was exhausting."

After the gruesome battle, he collapsed to his knees in exhaustion and headed towards the clean part of the stream to have a drink.

"You know, if you had rotated at the start and made me stronger, I would'nt have had to get beaten up.."

Glaring at the dharma wheel in his reflection in the water he nearly cursed out and heaved a sigh, but unbeknownst to him, a pair of eyes popped out of the water and menacingly glared at him, as he made a fuss.

"Sigh. I need more power..more stren-.."

Glaring into the sky he clenched his fists in determination, however he had not even finished his statement when a colossal beast popped out of the water and chomped down on him, with its large mouth and teeth, and pulled him into the water, as blood splashed around crazily.

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