Devrath was ranked in the middle of all the Greater Daemons under Khorne. While it was not one of his strongest, it was also not one of Khorne's weakest. The number of times that it had been forcefully banished from reality could be counted on one hand. The number of men that had fallen under his axe were innumerable.
'So why is he not being pushed back?!?!' Devrath asked himself
His axe and Baldur's blade clashed, the power and energy behind them causing an explosion that killed all those within 10 meters of them. The very energy that their clash unleashed sent waves across the planet, alerting all that a mighty battle had occurred.
The cultist and people that lived on the planet assumed that it as 2 Greater Daemons fighting once again but the Grey Knights and Witches knew the truth as they had felt the energy being unleashed several times, though never to that degree. It was their king and Primarch who had begun to unleash his power.
Baldur's great blade felt heavy to Devrath, pushing him back slowly, even as his feet were planted in the ground.
'A mere mortal can overpower me? Impossible!' Devrath bellowed in his mind as he let out a war cry, gathering more energy to try and push Baldur back. The latter was no pushover, however, not allowing the Daemon to gain even an inch of ground.
Blue arcs of energy shot, out from Baldur's body, leaving small cuts on the daemon's body. With the daemon's weapon locked with his, Baldur stabbed forward with the spear in his right hand, energy spiraling around the tip.
This blow would prove lethal if it struck true but luckily for Devrath, he was not fighting alone.
A blast of purple lightning arced over the Greater Daemon's shoulders before striking the spear that was about to pierce his body. The collision between the two created a small explosion, forcing Baldur and his opponent to separate due to the force. This left Devrath with some minor damage which was much preferable to the killing blow that was about to land on him.
The Lord of Change took flight into the air, his staff raised above his head as he called down hundreds of bolts of lightning that soon combined into a single, giant tiger made of lighting.
Baldur countered by controlling the earth around him and shooting it into the air, having it take the shape of a dragon's skull, recreating the legendary rivalry between the two animals, though with opposite elements.
The two spells clashed in the air, canceling the other out and killing even more lesser daemons and cultists around them but this bought enough time for Devrath to rush back up to Baldur and strike at him again, this time while the Primarch was slightly distracted in his eyes.
Baldur was no amateur, parrying the blow with his spear before bringing his sword down from above. Devrath was able to back away in time to dodge the main blow the the residual warp energy fired an arc of energy in the shape and color of the moon, sending it flying through the inner building of the fortress and trapping it underneath rubble.
Baldur looked up as he sensed a large amount of energy gathering above him, only to see hundreds of sigils and runes appearing in the air around the Lord of Change.
"Fall!" the Lord shouted as each rune or sigil turned into a weapon made out of energy or an element and shot towards the ground. He was attacking the entire area, not carrying for enemy or ally, only hoping to kill Baldur using overwhelming force.
The Primarch was undeterred, however. Weak spells such as the ones that the Changer was hoping to beat him with meant little in his eyes.
"Agh!" Baldur let out a primal shout which was accompanied by his psychic energy, destroying all the spells that neared him, leaving the rest to kill those around him.
Baldur summoned a pair of wings that seemed to be made out of the wind before taking flight and quickly approaching the Lord of Change in the air. Baldur instantly appeared behind the Lord and brought his sword down, the latter barely able to dodge the blow while losing the arm holding onto its staff.
The Lord let out a screech of pain, sounding more like the animal it took its appearance from.
Baldur struck forward with his spear, ready to end the Daemon before it could use a more powerful spell. Before it could reach it target, the spear was knocked off course by an axe made of brass.
Devrath had risen from the rubble just in time to assist its ally in the battle. This moment bought the Lord a moment to unleash a powerful spell, the Flames of Tzeentch, from its mouth. Blue flames poured out and flew towards Baldur as if they were hunters and he was their prey.
Baldur created a barrier around him, barely able to protect most of his body but the hand that was holding his spear received several terrible burns to it. Even then, Baldur refused to release the weapon from his grasp and stabbed it toward the Bloodthirster, pushing him back.
With the battle in the air, the cultist and lesser daemons were able to 'watch', seeing only blurs and the explosions from the collisions, in what they thought to be a safe area, unaware that their bodies were being destroyed just by being in the presence of the 3 beings fighting at such a high level of power.
Flames, frost, and energy spread across the air as the three beings unleashed their mightiest attacks at one another. Baldur sent out spell after spell while swinging his blades, only to be countered by the spells of the Lord or blows of Devrath. Even then, it was obvious to the three that Baldur was winning, slowly taking ground.
For every blow they gave him, he would give them 5. But for each blow that Baldur received, a white light would wash over his wounds, healing them almost instantly.
A silver claw suddenly appeared above the Lord of Change, striking him toward the ground and temporarily knocking him out of the fight. That spell would not be enough to take it out of the fight but it was more than enough to buy Baldur the time he needed to finish off the Bloodthirster without worry.
Baldur's eyes began to glow silver, bringing forth a blinding light onto all of those below and to Devrath. But while it simply blinding those below, Devrath felt his skin burning from the intense energy that Baldur's eyes were giving off. The combined pain and blindness made the daemon lower its guard which would be its greatest mistake.
Baldur saw his opening and struck forward with his spear once more. Silver energy spiraled around the tip of his spear before he plunged it into the chest of the daemon.
With the blow struck, Devrath looked at Baldur in shock as his body slowly fell from the sky. As it fell, it began to break apart as his soul was sent back to the Warp.
Baldur did not stop there. With Devrath dead, he charged toward the Lord of Change that had just recovered and was beginning to chant a spell. A massive magical circle filled with countless runes appeared in front of the Lord of Change's staff. The energy gathered within it would definitely be enough to cause even Baldur's barriers to falter.
And that was when everything suddenly stopped.
The daemons that were jumping and cheering stopping in mid-air. The cultists that began to run looked as if they struck a pose. A lead cultist that had fired a torrent of flames from each of its heads did not proceed any further. The spell that the Lord of Change was chanting had suddenly stopped, the words caught in its throat.
And in such a peaceful world, Baldur gentle flapped his wings, slowly lowering himself to the ground.
"Such ugly creatures," Baldur commented, close to the face of the being. He walked around it while swinging his blade once, cutting off its remaining arm. As he appeared behind it, he stabbed forward with his spear 5 times, each blow accompanied by a different element that he injected into the creature's body.
With the creature dead, Baldur walked past it and into the center of the fortress. He began to float gently into the air, only being a meter off the ground. He then began to chant as a silver light over his body before he unleashed a massive explosion. The explosion began to expand outwards, passing over every daemon, leaving glowing, silver veins on their bodies.
With that spell done, Baldur quickly flew across the battlefield, decapitating each of the cultists in an almost caring manner, not making them suffer at all. Even the head cultists was given a similar treatment, having all of his heads cut off and being stabbed through the heart, ready to die a peaceful death.
Once he was done, Baldur flew high into the air and let out a single breath, causing time to resume. And just as it did, all of his actions began to take effect.
The cultist instantly fell over, dying without even knowing what happened to them. The lesser daemons were banished thanks to the spell, sending them all back the Warp in the most painful way that they could go.
And the Lord of Change suffered the most, having the energy from his spell reversed on him due to not completing it, damaging his body even more after the 5 elements collided within its chest and created an explosion, killing the creature as soon as it came back.
All the daemons and cultists were defeated, none knowing just how though. The only living being that remained in the fortress was Baldur who saw the result from all of his actions, looking on in a cold, dispassionate gaze.
And with their deaths, Baldur flew inside the temple to find what information he could. With all of his loot gained, he flew out of the temple and toward the nearest fortress, ready assist any who may have needed him.