

~ An hour after last chapter...~




"Looks like I'm back to max..." Alex muttered. Twisting his arms. He quickly stretched his body, earning old creaks from his bones.

Now that he was alone in the room. He got dressed swiftly. Not wanting to waste time in sitting in one place. As he was about to leave the room. Someone had gotten to the knob of the door before him...

"Oh, Alex. It's you? Y-You're, ok?" It was Anna, her tone was that of surprise, her face that of slight shock.

"Hey~ Anna... Why do you seem so, surprised?" Alex quickly asked. 

"Didn't they tell you?" She retorted.

He shook his head. "Tell me what?" he questioned.

"...Apparently, when you inhaled the gas, you were also poisoned... Sorry..." Anna responded her tone sincere. However, this surprised Alex. He thought what he inhaled was some sort of heavy duty sleeping gas...

'And they didn't tell me this?' He thought, but he was fine, more than fine. He was stronger than before... 

He shrugged, it didn't matter much if he was ok.

"So, where are you heading now?" Anna asked.

Alex thought for a moment. Since he practically finished his quota for the day. He had nothing to do. He practically finished everything that was her to learn from the library too...

"I... don't really have anything to do at the moment." He responded.

"Well... Since you don't have much to do, could we... Hang out? Of course, it's totally up to you, ya' know." Anna offered. He thought for a moment. Not seeing much of an issue with it.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" He chided.

However, She raised her hand to her chin, he could tell she didn't have much of a plan after asking...

He chuckled at this. "Maybe we should head to town? Check out some stuff?" He suggested. She nodded without issue.

"It's settled then, but, you sure ya' don't want to wait a little? I mean, you just recovered." She inquired. Double checking, since it was her fault he was even in this state...

"I'm fine, better than fine actually... So don't worry, let's go." Alex said, then grabbed her hand.

Surprised, by the action, but she didn't necessarily hate it. In fact, she smiled...




~ At town... ~




After getting walking to the city, both found themselves walking the streets. Not really saying anything to one another. Alex not liking the awkward quietness, decided to break it... 

Now a little more alone than before, he began.

"So, Anna... I just wanted to ask... Did the team mention anything about me?" Alex asked.

Hearing the question, Anna tensed, just slightly. This didn't go unnoticed by Alex. A look of concern and worry graced her features too. Taking a deep breath, she responded;

"I... Yeah, they kinda, did... I'm just gonna be honest Alex, what happened earlier, while we were trainin'." Anna said, caressing her shoulder...

She sighed, and continued, "The team weren't too happy about what happened, especially Logan, and Hank. They didn't think you would be able to do what ya' did... And truthfully, I-I didn't expect it either." 

Alex didn't say anything. He closed his eyes, then responded, "So... Are you afraid of me...? Be honest." He asked. A little hesitant for an answer.

Anna continued walking, her expression was of more concern.

"Yeah~ if I were to be completely honest... It's just that, your whole vibe changed. I can't explain it. It felt as if you were some kind off, mindless monster. Every time you looked at us, I felt shivers run down my spine. Your eyes, and the way you moved, they weren't either..." Anna finished.

Alex didn't like how shaken up she was, she was trying best to hide it. While he was fascinated with his new discovery, other people at the end of it seemed to be a little traumatized. 

'...I'll need to take my time, and figure out this new issue of mine...' Alex thought. He knew what he had possessed. The sate he was in, was supposed to have no physical changes. Yet, it did.

Black sclera's, white eyes. Instinctual movement? He checked the boxes, but even then, the reaction that Logan and Beast had were now in his mind. That wasn't just their animalistic instincts, it was something more...

He remembered that Garou had the ability to transform, but what caused it.

'I remember in the manga of One punch man saying that the more someone enters death's door. The higher the chances at becoming something more, a monster... Doesn't this mean, I was practically dead?' Alex thought, grimacing at the thought of a third death.

But it would make sense as to why his body altered, albeit slightly, and why his physique evolved to a point to where it made ultra instinct state a new form as a byproduct. Not only that, the new form forced him to break his limits, or better called, his limiter...

He didn't have such a thing, a limit. So what the description meant, was likely referring to his sheer growth in battle.

Not wanting to think much of his new homework at the moment, he decided to change the topic of discussion...

"Hey, let's not dwell on the bad news... Look, I see a small joint nearby, so? What do you say?" Alex offered, smiling.

"Sure, I could eat something right about now." Anna smiled too, and agreed. Both walked to the store... As both walked in. Alex noticed there weren't too many people there, around 10.

"I'll just pay for both our meals, I have enough cash on me." Alex offered.

"Wait, ya' don't really have to, I can help myself." Anna beckoned. Not wanting her friend to waste his money on herself.

"It's fine, it's what a guy should do. Chivalry right? So, what'll you order?" Alex chided. 

"What a gentleman." Anna chided back, smiling. She answered, "I'll have... The number 3 meal please." 

Alex looked, ordering the same.

"I'll have three, number 3 meals-"

"Look at what we have here!?" A male voice shouted. Alerting everyone in the store. 

'Huh?' Alex thought, turning around to see a rather tall figure. The mans stood at least 6 feet 4 inches tall, bearded with the typical dad bod.

The man leaned in a bit too close, his tone becoming overly familiar with Anna.

"You're too pretty to be staying alone here, sweet-cheeks. How about I join ya'?" The man chided.

Anna shifted with disgust at the suddenness, but was also angry at the man's bold approach towards her. She quickly glancing around for an out. But, before she could've respond, Alex joined the conversation...

"She's with me." Alex said, promptly stepping in front of Anna, trying to give the man an out for the situation.

"Who the hell are you? Pipsqueak?" The man said, annoyed that he was interrupted. The people looked at the figure, giving looks of disappointment. It seemed as if he was a regular here...

Alex rolled his eyes at the, insult. "I'm her partner, and like I said, she's with me." He uttered again, placing emphasis on the last word.

The man grunted. "Do you know who I am? Get the hell out of my way." The man said with venom. His posture denoting that of action, walking closer to Alex. 

'He's piss drunk...' Alex thought.

Feeling a slight tug on his shirt, he turned around, "Alex, we should just go. I don't really wanna cause trouble here..." Anna said, and shaking her head. Alex albeit irritated, understood her intent. He also guessed the man was someone of importance, the people didn't seem to want anything to do with him. Didn't mean they didn't like him though...

Alex huffed saying, "Let's go Anna, I saw another place not too far from here." Alex offered. As much as he wanted to own the asshole who is bold enough to do something like this in broad daylight, it was better if he didn't cause a commotion.

Alex gently grabbed Anna's hand. Intending to walk out with her. But sometimes, trouble seems to find those who want none of it...

"Who the hell told ya' to leave!" The man shouted. However before he could get his hands on Anna, Alex instantly grabbed the man's outstretched arm. As he tried to break from Alex's grip, he realized that he couldn't move an inch...

"Wha? What the hell!?" He said, surprised he couldn't move a kid half his weight and almost half his size. People in the joint took notice to this as well.


The man quickly went to his knees in a motion humans couldn't track. Suddenly he felt the grip on his arm getting tighter, with the pain becoming more, he screamed. Someone from afar swore they heard a bone get misplaced...

"ARGHHH!!!! L-LET ME GO!" The man screamed. Alex however, scooped down to the man's level. Whispering.

"Listen closely... If I even hear about you, see you, or even smell your shit filled pants, and alcohol breath again around here. You're dead, got it?" Alex finished, his sentence one spoken with finality...

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!!! J-JUST! ARGH!!!!" The man screamed, however the pain only intensified. He felt something off about this kid. He couldn't be human with strength like this...

"Beat it." Alex said, glaring into the man's eyes before letting him go, leaving the man's arm bending slightly. The man, now fearful, let the store in pain...

Alex, shook his head. "I guess, well have to ae this trip quicker than I thought..." He told Anna.

"Don't sweat it, he had it coming." Anna cheered, smiling gently. Alex nodded, albeit with slight hesitancy. It wasn't the approach he wanted since Anna already feared him...

"C'mon champ, let's go." Anna whispered. Champ? That was a new one, but he didn't dislike it...

"Yeah, let's go." Alex said. However, just as they were about to leave...

"Hey, wait!" The cashier said. Having a tray of four of what Alex had ordered earlier.

"It's on the house son, you earned it... And, thanks for earlier. Sorry for not helping you earlier since you helped us with, him." The elderly man said. Alex smiled.

"It's, no problem. Thanks for the meal." Alex said, he grabbed the lunch and left with Anna...










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