
Lustful Lucas

Chapter 25

'What could be keeping him?'

Selene was beginning to get impatient all alone in the underground passage in Alpha Charles's fortress. She could sense his wonderful manly scent close by, but then he was yet to come within sight.

It was so frustrating how he could be so close but unreachable. That was the worst feeling ever.

For a moment, she had forgotten about the danger of being found out by Alpha Charles or any of his men.

The opportunity of her meeting up with her mate one more time was the only thing that implored her to obey her alpha's orders to work as a spy. But then, Lucas was nowhere to be found, and it had her scared and frustrated.

She had thought him to be a bit weird, but his irresistible scent and looks were always there to make up for that.

While in her dark solitude, her mind reverted to the meeting the day before. She recalled the way he and Zach had been glancing at each other, and it bothered her slightly.

It had brought a lot of suspicions to her mind, suspicions which she was always pushing away. She was aware that Zach was into guys, and it would be really devastating to her if Lucas, her mate, ended up having anything to do with him.

The locks on the door made a loud creaking sound, filling her heart with anticipation. The door opened, and left her filled with Lucas's scent.

"Here you are…" Selene sighed with relief, as Lucas walked towards her. "I was scared that you wouldn't come."

"Sorry I kept you waiting," Lucas said, with a smile that was visible in the dark. "You took quite a risk to come see me."

"Well… I believed you were worth it. Seeing you made me feel a lot more restless than I was."

"I don't think I would be able to return such a favor." Lucas felt swept away by her words, even as he tried to keep vigilant in case he was just being intentionally flattered for an ulterior motive which he wasn't aware of.

"I wasn't asking you to do that," Selene replied. "Your alpha would probably have you killed if you're absent from his side for a split second."

"That's quite a harsh perspective of him," he sighed. "But then, that would most likely be the case if he ever found out that I snuck out of his fortress to see you, even after the fall-out he had with your alpha."

"Everyone seems to have quite a villainous view of your alpha," Selene said, drawing closer to him in a way that her found provocative. "Although, I find it quite harsh…"

He soon found out that he just couldn't get himself to shift back, regardless of the fact that he claimed that his heart was beating for Alpha Charles.

Yet again, her found himself betraying his crush on his Alpha, which he still nursed right in spite of the demeaning treatment he got from the queens, and Alpha Charles himself.

She was about closing up all the airspace between them. "But he could just get a control of his temper sometimes because he could—"

"I would rather not have you speak of my alpha in such manner," her interrupted, causing her to halt in her tracks. "It's not convenient to—"

She quickly cut him off with a kiss, as she had him right where she wanted him. Without letting him catch his breath, she pressed her body tightly against his.

What's going on? Lucas thought to himself, as he felt himself becoming hard and hot. He had never thought that any lady would ever possess the ability to make him feel that way.

It had always been the men in the pack that he had fancied all his life, but Selene was showing him that there was more to her than her womanly features.

He wanted to pull away, but he just couldn't do that, regardless of how much he thought of it. Her body felt like it had been specially made to fit into his like the pieces of a puzzle.

Before he could take control of his impulses, his hands were descending her waist and grasping the softness below. Her body seemed to be glued to his, as they didn't afford each other any breathing room.

He lifted her off the floor, holding the softness with a jealous grip, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. At that point, he was sure of what was bound to happen. He would actually be having her there and then in that passage.

"You know… we shouldn't be doing this here," Lucas said, as she finally gave him a chance to breathe, still with her arms and her legs wrapped around him.

"Where else could we do it?" Selene asked, looking at him with her lustful intentions behind in her eyes. "This could be our only chance…"

Those words echoed in his ears for a few seconds, as the time with which she spoke them made him even harder.

'Let's go for it…' Reid urged him, spurring his curiosity even further. He suddenly wanted to know what it would feel like to have a lady, and go deep inside her.

But he couldn't make up his mind to do it, as he thought of the possibility of wine of the guards walking in on them. What would they say about him if he got caught?

She hit him with yet another bit kiss, while he was still thinking about it. She was impatient to have him, and she was intentional about letting him know it. There wasn't anytime to let him try to think about it.

"Come on…" she whispered in his ears. But he still wouldn't budge a single bit. What the hell was he thinking about? She wondered.

He pressed her hard against the wall as he kissed, then suddenly stopped, as he had a disturbed look in his eyes.

"I have to go…" Lucas said, letting go of her, setting her feet back down on the floor and bringing her back down to earth. "I can't do this here… we could get caught."

"What?" she could feel her steamy feelings of arousal quickly become hot, fiery anger. "You can't do this to me, after I've come a long way just to meet you here…"

"I'm sorry… but maybe next time, we could…" he stuttered as he backed away from her, in the direction of the door.

"What if there's no next time?" she asked, feeling disappointed and let down. "Do you know what I had to do to get here?"

"I'm deeply sorry about that. But I'll make it up to you next time. My alpha is in need of me now, and I don't want him getting suspicious unnecessarily… please, next time." Lucas was already scurrying for the door as he gave his unpleasant farewell.

She looked, wondering what had suddenly gotten into him. "Almost had him…"


"Unbelievable… how could she?" Stella uttered in disarray.

"That bitch keeps trying to step on my toes, no matter how much I try to stay in my lane," Ruth vented her words angrily. "Now she might just know about what we did to Freda."

"That's bad," Stella was almost thrown into a tremor from those words. "We can't let anyone know about it… what are we going to do now?"

"She really can't do anything about it, except…" Ruth said, wondering in what way Queen Elizabeth's discovery could have been used against them. But then, she came up empty. "There really isn't much she could do with that information. It's actually nothing to be afraid of. We just know that besides Queen Maya, we have one more enemy to eliminate."

"True, but how do you intend to do that?"

"Leave it to me…" Ruth said, with an evil smile. "I always get things done. All I need to do is to find my way in. Once I do, it would be all over."

"Sounds like a plan," Stella replied, but not with much enthusiasm, as she was already having a crucial view of it all. "I just how that we wouldn't have anyone on our backs again, this time around…"

She was interrupted mid-speech by a knock on the door, which had them both almost jumping out of their skins.

"Don't tell me someone has been overhearing our conversation…" Stella whispered frightfully.

"Quiet…" Ruth shushed, as she made for the door, and took a deep breath, and put her hand to the door knob, wondering who it was.

"Open it…" Stella urged in a whisper, but Ruth shushed her yet again.

"Who's there?" Ruth asked from inside.

"One of the alpha's guards. Alpha Charles sent for you."

They both froze in fear. Had Elizabeth used their secret against them to soon?

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