
Rick vs Vice Admiral Smoker

Taking a long, brisk inhale of the two cigars that he was smoking, Marine Vice Admiral Smoker could sense a strange presence nearby as he turned away from the sea and looked back at the snowy mountain that he and his men had only barely escaped from, thanks to the help of a certain straw-hatted pirate captain and his crew.

"What's wrong, Smoker-san?" one of the marine soldiers asked as he followed his superior's gaze. 

"There's something out there," the vice admiral replied.

"Yeah, we just sent some people out to retrieve those who were petrified by Caesar's gas," the soldier nodded. "They're probably heading back now."

"No, no this is something else," Smoker answered sternly as he spotted a figure rushing down a hill towards them.

"Oooooohhhh yeah!!" Rick yelled as he activated his rocket boots again and took flight over the snow as he sped towards the marines. "Smoker!!"

Arming himself with his trademark jitte, the vice admiral got into a readied stance as the stranger flew at him and his men. Shocked at seeing the dimension-hopping scientist approach, the G5 marines raised their weapons and pointed them at Rick as he touched down a short distance from Smoker, before grinning as he walked towards him.

"Hold it right there and state your business," the smoke logia wielder instructed as he pointed his jitte forward. "Are you one of Caesar's men?"

"Ah Smoker, once a rival to Luffy, you've been largely outclassed post-timeskip," Rick mocked as he approached. "Logias aren't shit in the New World, are they? Haha yeah, you're about to job to Doflamingo, and even Luffy's base Gear 4 could wipe the floor with him."

"…what are you talking about?" the vice admiral asked, heavily confused but maintaining his composure. "And answer my question. Who are you?"

"I'm a scientist like your Vegapunk, but like, times a million," Rick explained as he crossed his arms, a shit-eating grin on his face. "But before everything, I'm a One Piece super fan. So while you're not my favorite character, I still think you're far better written than Morty's shitty Boruto."

Smoker merely stared with a straight face, his cigars slowly burning up as he was at a loss at what to think about the stranger. Nothing that he was saying to him made sense.

"You're...you're spouting a lot of crap that means nothing to me," the vice admired sighed. "One Piece super fan? What's that mean, are you a pirate after the One Piece? You're on a government island that is now under investigation due to the illegal experimentation that was just uncovered. Whoever you are, you'd better have a good reason for being here."

"I'm sorry, man, I get that this all means nothing to you," Rick said as he held up his arms. "I'm just so excited to be here. Hey, do you wanna fight real quick before Doflamingo shows up? Maybe as a warm up?"

"Ignore him, Smoker-san, let us handle this weirdo!" the G5 marines piped up as they pointed rifles at the scientist. 

"Simmer down, jobbers, or I'll hit you with my watch that turns people into farts," Rick grinned as he exposed his wrist to reveal a black, beeping sci-fi watch.

"Turns people into…what?" a soldier asked. 

"Stay back, if he wants to fight, I'll indulge him," Smoker warned as he launched a punch towards Rick. His devil fruit powers activating, the vice admiral's fist seemed to disconnect from his arm as a trail of smoke shot it into the spiky-haired scientist's stomach.

"Fuck, you infused that hit with haki, didn't you?" Rick coughed as the wind was knocked out of him, the force of the hit sending him sliding backwards. "My turn then. Sanchez-Sanchez pistol!"

His rocket shoes activating again, Rick shot towards the marine officer and threw his fist at him. Dodging, Smoker swiped his jitte and landed a brutal blow to Rick's jaw, blood splashing everywhere as he crashed into the ground with some of his teeth falling into the snow.

"Shark genes, activate!" Rick exclaimed as his missing front teeth quickly grew back. "Wow, you really aren't pulling any punches, are you? I'm assuming I'm capable of haki, but just in case, let's give myself a little upgrade."

Reaching into his lab coat, Rick threw a metal orb with a flashing blue light on top towards the ocean. Hovering above the water, the orb vacuumed up some of the liquid before shaking and emitting large amounts of steam, where it then returned to its inventor.

"Turn contents into sea prism stone, and then print me some boxing gloves made out of it," Rick instructed, where the orb shook once before enlarging itself to the size of a yoga ball. With that, the bottom opened, and a pair of grey, stone boxing gloves dropped out.

Putting them on, amused at the bewildered expressions of the marines, Rick charged at Smoker again with his new weapon. The vice admiral obliged his counterattack and launched his fist back at the scientist, where propelled by a trail of smoke, his detached hand clasped around Rick's neck. Rick simply grinned and activated the nano-fiber defense mesh that lined his skin, and blasted Smoker's hand apart, not harming him but forcibly dissipating it back into smoke.

Close enough to the marine now, Rick reared his own arm back and threw a punch into Smoker's chest, the seastone gloves negating the devil fruit power and actually harming the vice admiral. Grunting, Smoker stumbled backwards, but shook off the hit, weakened by the sea prism more than anything.

"That device of yours just created a seastone weapon in a couple of seconds. You weren't kidding about being a scientist on par with Dr. Vegapunk," Smoker remarked.

"I said a Vegapunk but times a million," Rick corrected him, before looking off into the distance. "Oh, and I was just starting to have fun, but we might have to cut this short. Looks like the Doffy just got here!"


Some of the marine soldiers began to foam at the mouth and fall to the ground, unconscious as a massive blast of haki rocked the area.

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