
Chapter 60: Surprises and fears

*Time skip; Two weeks later;*

"In summary, all of these are the major differences between Japanese literature of the 20th century and Japanese literature of the modern times." Our literature teacher, Mr Samuel concluded.

Literature, the new class I decided to take on because I've never taken it. Not even in Fairfield. 

I never thought about it. Literature was an optional class, both here and in Fairfield. And most students don't like it. Including myself. But after joining the class, I realized that it was quite manageable.

Literature encompasses so many topics and ideas that makes it both thrilling and overwhelming to absorb. 

"Alright, now I'm going to give each of you a topic to research on. View it as a project. It should be submitted on the day of your final exams. I believe that's more than enough time." He reasoned. I was seated next to a window, which gave a view of the outer grounds of the school, mostly the car park.

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