


After the new year, Kaka appeared late one night at the Secluded villa.

" Were you expecting him?" I asked Sayuri

" I sensed his presence two days ago. I was unsure when he would appear " Sayuri walked to the kitchen counter as Kaka sat on the cushions.

" I am hungry " He spoke to her.

" So what? " I snickered as I joined him on the cushions.

" You smell of her and she smells of you. You mated with her, " Kaka chuckled.

"It's none of your fucking business. " I snapped at him and he burst out in laughter.

"You do get defensive every time you are cornered "Kaka's smug face irritated me

" Why are you here ?" I demanded.

" I am here to let you know about my plans. Get Isamu and Zineb here" He stated as he headed his head to watch Sayuri who was busy in the open kitchen.

" Why are you looking at her? " The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

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