

"How long will we be staying here to watch them Maestro Magnus?" says the thinner man with the heavy-duty binoculars.

Magnus scoffs at his newest underling slash assistant slash attaché before answering loftily, "We wait until the darkness falls and they fall asleep, Miguel and not a moment too soon. It is important that we finally get a hold of 'The Matriarch' so we can finally pursue our plans for her. Also, she must never be taken control of by The Beast, or we will all be in danger for when he feeds on her, he becomes faster and stronger by a hundredfold and we can't risk that happening since he's already strong and powerful as he is."

"You make him sound like he IS indeed a beast, Sir," nervously comments one of the armed six who were secretly observing Orion and Hiraya from afar. 

"Because he definitely is, my minion, in more ways than one. And in order to defeat him we must take The Matriarch from him before he finally owns and spawns with her, especially now that her skills and gifts are growing stronger. Yes, she may be unaware of them but if he turns her against us, even she can bring about our demise most painfully, instantly and tragically."

The nearest questioning fellow then takes his two semi-automatic Sig Sauer pistols in hand, "Can't you use your magic on them both, Maestro?"

"No, unfortunately, my dark arts are not enough to take even one of them, much less two. Even more so if he feeds on her menstrual fluids for three years... Or IF they have a child," the evil sorcerer sadly admits as he borrows the binoculars from one of his husky mooks.

The subordinates keep silent for a while, as they force themselves to understand and absorb such an unthinkable fact. More powerful than Maestro Magnus? Even the woman? I find that quite hard to believe… but then, again, he did willingly admit it. How powerful is she that even the great dark sorcerer supreme is afraid of such a dainty and gorgeous prostitute?

Each of the burly males double-checked their weapons with one thought in mind… I hope she doesn't fight back tonight with that all-powerful strength and skill tonight. I still want to have a taste of her before we get to kill her, after all.

"Are the other groups of our marauders ready from where they are situated right now?" the elderly and white-haired and long-bearded leader asks commandingly.

"The other four teams of raiders are ready and waiting for our signal through comms, Sir. Just let them know through our radios…"



Meanwhile, the full and happy lovers were still trying their hand at capturing another fish except this time, Marion has decided to give one of his rods to his female fishing companion in the hopes that she will have her own catch before sunset. With that goal in mind, the handsome monarch is now giving her a quick tutorial session with the fishing rod that she chose from his small but expensive and professional selection.

"Okay, after you've chosen your bait, you must learn how to cast without hurting yourself. Many a fisherman had already been hooked due to carelessly handling a rod and line, including me. That is the most important skill in fishing next to reeling in your catch. That we can deal with later when you actually are already fighting a hooked fish." Marion expertly instructs while putting his arms around his female student and then holding both her hands which were curled tightly around the pole of her choice. "So, you let your fishing rod and line hang loosely outward then spin it once above your head, flick it, then release…"

The fishing aficionado then demonstrated his instruction while still holding Raya's hands and his customized beachcaster. They both heard the swift whizzing of the line as it got thrown out while swiftly unravelling from the reel.

"Oh, is that all?" the bewildered but delighted sexy lass exclaimed. "I could do that, too…"

"Alright, if you say so. So, go ahead and reel the line and hook it when you get it back in so you can try on your own," encouraged the military-trained monarch. "Do you want to try live bait?"

"I don't know, Marion. I'd feel sorry for the worm or baby cricket or whatever live bait that I'll get from you. And I'll feel much worse if I hunt for my live bait myself," she forlornly confessed with a lovable frown. "I'll just use one of your plastic flies that look like a real bug. I feel I'll do better with those," she finally decided with a cocky but determined grin.

Well, she did take care of a caterpillar until it turned into a full-grown colorful butterfly… Oh, Hiraya… Orion smilingly thought. You are just too compassionate to expertly fish, woman. Sigh… I guess I should just be thankful that you still would like to learn how to catch a fish despite your misgivings about taking a life no matter if it's flora or fauna!

He watched wordlessly as she reeled in her line and tried to cast again. They were now on one of the sand-filled beaches this time since Orion was still a little iffy for his Raya to try the more dangerous kind of fishing: cliff casting, which happens to be his personal favorite and professional preference. As a matter of fact, he had won a number of such competitions, and his trophies are displayed proudly in his family castle's personal library along with the kitchen's tasty fish recipes showcasing his award-winning catch for him and his family to enjoy. After all, he prefers featuring his fishing awards and delicious seafood dishes better than taxidermy trophies of the said catches. 

Yep, I would favorably choose a picture, a trophy and a good home-cooked meal over a wall display, any day. And, I think she thinks the same way, too…

Speaking of that particular 'she", Hiraya had cast her first effort with no untoward incident and was now gleefully cheering herself while bouncing on her heels.

"I did it, Marion! I did it!"

"Now don't celebrate yet or you might jinx it," the muscular model-look-alike warned with a short but hearty laugh. "Remember, you still need to catch your fish, ok…"

"Spoilsport!" huffed the enthusiastic busty girl. "Don't you dare rain on my parade!"

"I'm not!" Orion swiftly retorted "I just have to remind you not to get too excited too early. Catch your fish first and then you can cheer all you want, Raya. But until then, it best that you focus on your rod and line until then."

The wavy-haired high-class call girl adorably stuck her tongue at her mentor cum client in playful defiance…

"Just for that, when I catch my first one, I'm not sharing or letting you taste anything I fish with you!"

In just a few minutes, she does indeed hook on to something, but she automatically insists that they keep it as her pet...

It was a lively baby Pacific octopus.

Upon feeling its grappling tentacles on her arm as she released it from her non-live plastic bug-like bait, Hiraya automatically and immediately fell in love with the wet, wriggly and translucent creature.

"Can I keep it?" she pleads sweetly, "But not to eat… only as a pet, please?' she hurriedly clarified.

"Are you sure? Octopi are juicy and delicious if you cook them tender enough," teasingly suggested the smirking billionaire investor. 

All he got as a response was an even bigger and cuter pout and a resounding smack on his hard bulky upper left bicep by his successful fishing student.

Nah, she can have her pet octopus. I just can't help but tease her when she's like this: so utterly endearing and attractive. Just have to make sure Rube's kitchen staff don't turn her 'new friend' into fried calamari appetizers… 

And as the red-haired, bathing-suited woman flashed him a grateful grin, with her eyes sparkling and her luscious lips breathing a voiceless thank you, he couldn't help but feel warm and pleasured inside.

Maybe, we can watch a scary movie one of these days like 'Life' in celebration of her special catch. Knowing her, she'll probably name her new pet Calvin after she has watched it. I like it cause it's the first suspense action thriller that I watched where Ryan Reynolds agreed to act out the guy who first died in the flick.

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Myra_Agpalza_Butaccreators' thoughts
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