
Chapter 203: And Washed the Spider Out

Felicia Hardy didn't know what was worse. Seeing the man you love with all your heart brought in half dead, and knowing that if he did die, the last thing you ever said to each other would have been an argument.

An argument she regretted the moment she got home. He was right, like he always was. One would think her pride would hurt admitting that, but Felicia always understood the kind of person she loved.

He was a genius, he didn't have an equal, she highly doubted any man or woman on this planet could match wits with her love, be it with words, actions or thoughts. He would always be superior.

Even if he didn't admit it, he never would, the nobel bastard was too humble for that, she knew the man she loved, she knew him well.

And this just made the sight before her even more impossible to bare.

She had gotten the call just as she was going to bed. She was up late, her news feed was filled with images of the Brooklyn bridge covered with her love's webs, a message only for her written on it.

'I love you.'

The moment she saw that, she had forgiven him, though she realised it was her who had to do the asking, it was her fault they fought anyway. But then again being the woman in the relationship did have its perks.

She was actually expecting him to come swimming into her bedroom window, a single rose in her hand and a box of chocolates in another. She expected to spend the rest of the night in bed with him, doing her best to get him to forgive her.

By the time she was done, she expected even he would have had a hard time breathing. But that never happened. No...she never got the chance.

Tony Stark of all people had called her. He was frantic, when the words 'Peter's hurt' reached her ear all thoughts of sleeping left her mind, replaced with a numb ringing in her ears.

She didn't remember how she got to Avengers tower, nor did she remember how she got past security. Thinking back she thinks she used the silver bracelets Peter gave her for her birthday to swing around the city. But she really doesn't remember anything else.

When she arrived, she saw a small army of doctor's surrounding a body. A body so beaten and broken, she didn't realise it was the man she loved until she saw his hair. His blood soaked hair.

She gasped as she stepped back in fear, the door to his room closing behind her.

She walked back and hit the wall, sinking down as the feeling of total helplessness filled her heart. She looked in horror at the door as the doctor and nurse poured in and out. She recalled Tony Stark walking with them as they moved to and from the room, the man looked pale, worse than her, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, his beard scruffy and large, nothing like the perfectly groomed subject she was used to seeing.

"Sir! We need help! His spinal cord has been damaged, we need to fix it before doing anything else or he won't walk again!" a doctor cried out, the words ringing in Felicia's head.

"Fine! JARVIS! Who is the best neurologist in the city?!" Tony cried out.

"That would be Doctor Stephen Strange sir," the AI voice called out.

"Then get him here on the double!"

"I am sorry sir, but I cannot."

"And why the hell not?!"

"He was in an accident two weeks ago. His fingers have been irrecoverably damaged."

"Fine! Then get me the second best neurologist in the city! And get him here now!" Tony growled, he then dismissed the doctors, they quickly ran back to the surgery, eager to save her Peter's life.

Stark approached Felicia, she didn't know how she she looked, judging by the pitying look Stark sent her it must have been bad. Felicia's mind was consumed with...with doubt and fear. Nothing else but the daunting thought of what would happen if her Peter didn't make it.

"He's going to be fine," Stark told her, she didn't believe him, "I got the best doctors in the city working on him, they'll have him fixed up in no time," he gave a half hearted smile, "hey, maybe after that you two could go on a long vacation, I do have this amazing house in the Hamptons you could use, just don't throw any big parties okay?"

Felicia ignored his pathetic attempt at humor, it wasn't his best material, she didn't blame him. She didn't honestly care. She looked at him, "why didn't you take him to a hospital?"

Tony sighed, "given his unique...well, everything, I figured he would be better suited being treated here. Don't worry, I have the best doctors and equipment on standby, Peter Parker will not die tonight, I promise you."

And he kept that promise. Peter did pull through, though barely.

It took twenty doctors working for over 10 hours to stabilize him. For that time Felicia remained rooted to the spot outside his door, not bothering to look anywhere else. She was sure by now she smelt, she was sure off it, but again, she couldn't bring herself to care.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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