
Mind your business (chapter 2)

The next morning,Nate woke up early and prepared himself,he had a class at 8:00am and he didn't want to be late for his first class,he went to the class with Jason.After two hours the class was over,he went to the administration and got his meal card,after their second class was over,he sat with his new friends in an empty class,they had given him notes to copy he was one week behind them.They later attend one more class together, though Nate was far behind because he had attended the class one week late,he paid alot of attention in the class.Soon it was 4:00pm and classes were over,Kate and Natalie left to their room,Jason and Nate decided to watch the football team practice,they had not joined any school clubs,there were other students who were watching the practice.The practice was over and they decided to go to their rooms and later have their diner.

Two students stood at the middle of the football pitch,one was a girl,she was very beautiful and the othe was a boy who was handsome.One could tell they were twins since they looked alike,the boy held a ball on his hands."Do you think he will be able to catch it if a throw it at him?" asked the boy,his name was Daniel.His twin sister clicked her tongue "don't play your stupid games with him,he might hear you" Daniella said.Daniel shrugged his shoulders and held the ball firmly in his hand "I want to see how powerful he is","what if you accidentally hit someone else you will get in trouble,you better not throw that ball" warned his sister."Don't worry,I won't miss my target".Savage stood far away from the football pitch,he was listening to his friend's nonsense,James was his best friend but sometimes he felt like killing him,he was so talkative and liked to gossip.He wanted to escape but James didn't give him a chance to,so he silently listened to him with a bored expression,he hoped he will be done talking soon or his ears would soon bleed due to all his nonstop talk.He didn't know that someone was planning to test him.

Jason and Nate were walking near the football pitch,Nate was surprised to see savage.His friend was talking about something but he wasn't paying attention,he was looking at savage with longing.James was surprised to see that type of expression on his face,"what's wrong?" he asked."Nothing" he replied,"it's just that savage is very handsome I can't help looking at him".Jason felt a little hurt but didn't say anything, everyone knew that savage was the most handsome guy in the school so it was normal for his friend to keep on looking at him,he himself was also handsome but not as handsome as Savage,he wished Nate would also find him attractive.Savage didn't know there was someone admiring his handsomeness,a ball come rushing towards him at a very high speed,he couldn't see the ball since he was facing the opposite direction,before the ball could hit him,he felt someone hug him from behind.His face turned cold,who dared to touch him, but before he could turn around and teach the person a lesson.He heard the person groan in pain.Everyone who was present there looked at them, waiting for the drama to unfold,they knew Savage hated being touched,they felt sorry for Nate,he was about to face Savage's wrath.

Both Daniel and his twin sister were shocked at what they saw,this is not what Daniel wanted,he thought that savage will be able to catch the ball like he always did,he didn't expect someone to hug him to prevent the ball from reaching him."I warned you,look what you have done" said her twin sister disappointed."How did he get there?" asked Daniel in shock,they all rushed where savage was,they weren't the only one shocked,also James was shocked he didn't know when Nate ran towards Savage,he rushed to where they were.Savage was suprised,he held Nate in his arms before he could fall,he seemed to be in pain,the ball was thrown with a lot of force and hit him on his back,Nate had his eyes closed groaning in pain.Savage looked at Daniel with cold eyes,he became scared and tried to apologize "sorry I didn't want to hurt him", but the coldness in his eyes increased, Daniella and James felt his anger and shivered,she couldn't even speak for her twin brother.Jason was worried "I'll take him to the clinic" he said worriedly,but before he could touch him,Savage carried him in bridal style and headed to the clinic hurriedly,everyone was shocked,this was unexpected,Savage carrying someone that was unheard of,this was very unlike him.

Daniel wanted to follow them but was stopped by his sister,James smiled and said "well this is new" and left.Daniel stood there looking at the direction they had gone to,he couldn't help but burn with jealousy,why did he carry him,it's not like he couldn't walk and whats with that worried look on his face,he thought.His sister looked at him and knew what he was thinking "Don't mess with him for now,you saw how angry he was" she warned."But Siz I didn't mean to offend him" he explained,"I know but you have hurt someone else,let's go you will apologize to him later" they both left.News about Savage carrying someone to the school clinic spread like wild fire, everyone wanted to know who is the lucky boy,some were even jealous that he got carried by Savage.

Savage took Nate to the school clinic,the nurse applied an ointment on his red and swollen back,the ball did hit him hard."I'll give you some pain relievers,lie on your stomach for some days and you will recover

soon" she said and left.Savage was standing there,he had a look of worry on his face "are you feeling better?" he asked.Nate nodded his head,"why did you stop the ball?",Nate smiled and Savage felt inexplainable feeling when he saw him smile so beautifully."I don't know,I didn't want you to get hurt" replied Nate looking at his black eyes,Nate felt his heart beat increase,there was a flush on his cheeks,he felt excited as he stared at him.There was longing and hurt in his eyes as he stared at him,Savage felt lost in his beautiful green eyes.He soon came back to his senses and cleared his throat "why are you looking at me like that?" he asked,he was surprised at how Nate stared at him like his long lost lover.Nate smiled bitterly and looked at the window "it's nothing" he said."Next time don't go in jumping to save people,I didn't need your help,what if you could have been hurt badly who will be blamed for that,can't you take care of yourself?" he scolded.Nate was surprised by his behaviour,was he scolding him because he was worried he thought,a beautiful smile appeared on his face.Savage realised what he was doing and felt embarrassed,"are you worried about me?" he asked.Savage's face turned cold "no,why will be worried about you we don't even know each other,I'll give you a advice as your senior when you're in this school it's better you mind your business or you will end up getting hurt" he said and turned to leave.Nate watched him leave,he felt lost and sad when he left but didn't know why they had just meet but he was affected by him.

Savage sighed in relief when he got outside the room,he didn't know what he was feeling,he was restless and worried.He didn't know why he was so worried about that boy,they had just met but he was been affected by him.He admitted that he was indeed pretty but that's wasn't the first time he ever saw a pretty boy so why was he reacting this way.When he remembered how he had carried him to the clinic he clicked his tongue in annoyance,"why did I overreact,he just got hit by a ball not by a truck,what's happening to me" he said."Hope we don't meet again" he said and left his face with unreadable expression.

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