
I'm not feeling rushed, I'm feeling sympathetic

She felt sore. But it was a good, accomplished kind of sore. One that made her happy to be cuddled in bed, even if this wasn't her home or her palace.

She still felt cozy and safe in this room.

She lifted the heavy blankets atop her and peeked under the covers.

Shiny blue eyes turned up toward her immediately. The little kitten's purring redoubled, and he bumped his face into her stomach, nudging and licking her through the silken fabric.

A wave of adoration swept over her as she pulled the blanket up a bit further, carefully hiding him within the safety of it, tucking him inside it with her.


That was far, far better.

"Sleepy..." Alexander's voice was quiet in her ear as he rested his arm around her, hand brushing against the blankets where their kitten hid.

She felt a pair of arms curl around her waist, and found herself facing Tenshi when she opened her eyes again.

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