
I'm not a detective, I'm peeking at the case files

She carefully shut the door behind her as she entered the late king's study.

The first thing she noticed was the sheer number of books.

The second was how few of them had been disturbed by the guards, investigators and cleaners.

Apparently, whoever investigated or cleaned up after the death had decided only a small section of the bedroom was involved as potential evidence.

Or they'd meticulously cleaned it up as if they'd never disturbed it.

That seemed odd to her, though. After all, the king was dead, none were supposed to go in here, and the new king had yet to be crowned. They were in the middle of a murder investigation still, right?


It made more sense to her that they'd hyper focused on a small area around where the king was found.

Wherever that was.


That meant...

They may have missed something where they didn't think to look.

Next chapter