
I'm not a pincushion, I'm a struggling mama

She peeked over the edge of her bed, looking under it from above. "Snowball~"

"Mrrr!" A tiny little noise greeted her from the shadows beneath.

"My precious boy...are you going to come out? You can't hide from mama forever, silly~" She called. She held her hand out for the kitten.

She was having over the side of the bed, upside down, so this action was awkward.

But worth it.

Snowball wriggled from beneath the bed and prowled toward her hand, sniffing it delicately, before rubbing his head on her fingers. "Merooowp?"

She laughed delightedly. "So silly! Are you having fun finding hiding places and startling your mama?"

The kitten simply blinked at her, clearly unsure of her meaning, but apparently just happy to be there.

The sweet, adorable baby nuzzled at her fingers.

She cooed at him, then swung up and back onto the bed, rolling to lay on her side, gazing at her sweet boy. She patted the blankets. "Come cuddle with mama."

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