
I'm not ignoring the play, I'm playing with Snowball

"Always an impressive display..." Phoenix commented from beside her, "but somewhat awkward positioning in the play."

Isabelle nodded in response, agreeing with Phoenix's approximation as if she had any idea what was happening in the play.

She shuffled slightly in her seat, brushing her fingers over her baby kitten's fur.

Snowball gave a small purring mew and yawned widely, exposing tiny teeth as he stretched out his little legs and flexed his claws. He curled back up and laid his chin on her wrist. His eyes blinked slowly.

Her baby was getting sleepy again.


He yawned again, revealing a cute pink tongue curling up into the air before it disappeared back inside his mouth.

Isabelle bit her bottom lip while rubbing her tiny baby's chin with her forefinger gently.

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