
I'm not a strict cat-mom, I'm just a good parent!

"Ohhhh...look at those little fangs...it seems the empress' own kitten enjoys my cooking..." the food stall man said with an obvious note of pride, as he observed Snowball savoring the delicacy in his little sling.

Snowball certainly seemed to be enjoying the vendor's cooking. He'd swallowed the meat down so quickly that he might well not even have stopped to breathe. As soon as the man spoke, he tilted his head and looked to the man.

After a moment, he turned his head to look back up at Isabelle, tongue flicking over his little pink nose.

His bright blue eyes seemed to be begging for more and he meowed once again as if asking Isabelle for more delicious snacks to eat.

The owner of the snack cart laughed quietly when he heard Snowball's adorable squeaking noises and patted the white furball gently on the head, causing Snowball to purr in response.

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