
I'm not irresponsible, I'm starved for options

One thing her extended time away from ruling did not cause her to miss was the...meetings. She did like Julia, but aside from Julia, talking to advisors, ministers, and stewards was not something she found particularly enrapturing.

For the most part, she took Snowball along for these meetings so she could distract herself playing with a kitten so as to not die of boredom or become irritated and make rash decisions.

He had taken up a position atop her desk during her current meeting and had since decided that his favorite toy was a ribbon on the document stack. He tugged at it, and watched it unroll, fascinated.

He'd chewed holes in papers before. He was now determined to unravel the world.

Julia stifled giggles behind her hand whenever Isabelle attempted to grab the string of paper or pull out documents without dislodging the little white bundle of trouble on top of the stack.

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