
I'm not depressed, I'm contemplative

Isabelle took Snowball and returned to her room with Tenshi, curling up with the precious bundle of joy, looking at him as he lay upon a pillow, nibbling on a bit of thread she'd given him to chew on.

She giggled at the way his ears perked up as he observed her intently, pausing his game of destroying things with his cute, sharp little kitten fangs. She reached over and pet his ears as a reward.

When he was done mauling the innocent bit of thread, the baby cat stretched lazily in an adorable fashion. He blinked his bright blue eyes at his mama and crawled onto her chest, as if deciding that was more comfortable than the pillow.

Once there, he laid down on his stomach with a soft purr. Whether due to her body heat or heartbeat, he looked content.

When she couldn't help petting him, Snowball chirped cutely and tilted his head, staring up at her. He purred contently as she gently stroked his soft furry body.

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