
I'm not reckless, I'm assertive

They cleared her to return to the palace early in the morning on the fourth day of the festival, and the group returned home with the utmost security.

The palanquin was burned, so she rode a horse. Lyov rode ahead of her, Alex behind. To her left and right were Phoenix and Tenshi. Heavily armed guards formed a perimeter around them. Civilians this time were not allowed anywhere near her as they rode, so if signs were thrown, she didn't see or hear of any of them. 

It felt a bit stifling. But not as stifling as a burning litter.

At the palace gates, the guard gave a salute and she dismounted the horse.

The maids fussed over her and dragged her up to her rooms to clean her up properly.

By the time they'd washed her down and changed her into fresh robes, it was lunch time.

The men had been escorted to the dining hall already, and they took their seats after greeting one another.

Her head was still groggy.

But she supposed it was best to try to return to normal.

Normal as she remembered it being, anyway.

Everyone chattered about various things as usual, though she sensed an undercurrent of unease.

She drummed her fingers on the table.

That attack...why...was it even happening to begin with.

She frowned at the cup in front of her.

...Maybe they targeted me because...I married an entire harem.

That could...make sense, though she hated it.

She took a long, slow breath. "Who were the king consort options?"

She asked no one in particular but everyone froze mid sentence.

All eyes fell upon her.

Alex closed his mouth and looked towards the entrance to the room. "There were twenty potential suitors, I believe."


She rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. "And what...are the names of...these potential suitors...?"

"What do you wish to know for, Isabelle?" Lyov asked cautiously.

"Perhaps I will figure out why people might dislike me for this decision if I know the faces and names of the men who might have been offended by my actions."

Silence reigned.

Phoenix sighed finally. "My dear, you're blaming yourself for a reckless attack..."

She shook her head. "It's to be expected, isn't it? I overturned a tradition that is part of the founding of this kingdom. And in the process there's twenty men who thought they might get to be king that haven't even been spoken to since then..."

Phoenix pursed his lips and shook his head. "...None of us know the list ourselves, but if you're so worried it may have been reprisal, then I'll speak to Archibald about getting you that list."

"...Please..." She murmured, dipping her head.

"Hm, Archibald is the steward, right?" Tenshi's sweet voice broke through the conversation. "...The older gentleman who looks after the day-to-day affairs?"

Lyov nodded, raising his brows in surprise. "Yes...that's right...Do you know Archibald?"

"...No...but I hear about him often...Phoenix speaks to him every day..." Tenshi replied softly, chewing his lip thoughtfully. "Is that a problem...?"

Lyov stared at Tenshi in disbelief before glancing over to Phoenix.

Phoenix shrugged, sipping his drink. "Archibald is an excellent secretary and has proven quite knowledgeable about Nevremian court politics. Why shouldn't I take his advice?"

Isabelle blinked rapidly. "Uhhh...sorry, I guess I was just wondering where he even stays because I never see him...?"

Phoenix tittered, eyes sparkling in amusement. "Darling, you've been avoiding everything ruling-shaped for ages now, of course you wouldn't see him."

She puffed her cheeks out.

Phoenix chuckled in response, returning to his drink.

"Speaking of...there was talk of wanting you to address the people again to celebrate the festival..." Phoenix said smoothly.

Her mood soured even more, if that were possible. "...Is that a requirement?"

He shrugged. "No. None would blame you for withdrawing to your palace for the rest of the festival after such an attempt on your life."

Alex crossed his arms and frowned. "...But. It will send a message to the attackers as well."


Lyov shifts in his chair, visibly unhappy. "If they think that the crown is weak just because-"

"But they will." Alex spoke more emphatically than she'd heard from him before. "Any opposition will know the attack worked. Even if the Empress survived, they inspired fear. That's almost more powerful than killing the Empress."

"Ah." Tenshi tilted his head curiously. "...Alex...has a point. Although it would be safer for Her Majesty, if we simply suspend the festivities..."

Lyov shook his head vehemently. "Absolutely not. Her safety is more important than keeping the celebrations going."

Alex shrugged. "Not in terms of image it isn't."

"Shut up." Lyov glared at him. "How dare you suggest Her Majesty's life is less important than appearances."

For a moment she worried the two would come to blows.

"Don't fight." She interjected softly, shaking her head. "Let me...think...about it."

She was...already nervous, standing in front of crowds, but now she knew there were people out there who wanted her dead. Who hated her that much, and she didn't even know for sure why.

And some of them were in the castle.

She drew her knees up in her chair and wrapped her arms around them for comfort, unconsciously.

A gentle hand brushed along her back, and she started in surprise.

Tenshi looked at her with a kind, soft smile, red blush tinting his cheeks. "It's okay...everything will be okay..."

He whispered so only she could hear. "I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise."

She found herself looking into his emerald green eyes. They seemed so honest. She relaxed a little. "...You sound confident."

His eyes sparkled. "Because I am."

She stared downward for a few moments, before she finally spoke. "...I'll continue the festivities."

"Your majesty-!" Lyov gasped.

"The sooner we show we are strong and unafraid the better." She said with conviction. "I know I don't look it, but I am. Because I have all of you."

Phoenix smiled gently. "That's a good answer. That's why you'll make a good leader, My Empress."

Her shoulders slumped, and she took a breath, letting her legs fall to the ground again in her chair, and uncrossing her arms. "...Right."

Tenshi reached up and tugged gently on her sleeve. When she looked at him, he looked shy and blushed. "Um...if you ever feel...nervous...just look at me..."

She stared at him.

He giggled awkwardly. "I'm really pretty~! So...you'll be distracted...!"

Phoenix laughed then. "Well! If beauty is comfort, I'll be sure to comfort you when you're afraid as well. Just call out and I'll be close~"

She squinted at Phoenix.

When Tenshi said it, it sounded innocent, but when Phoenix did...

She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. "...I know how you can distract me, Phoenix, so you can just stuff it."

The table erupted with laughter.

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