
The Sunlit King (2)

[Mireksan Mountain, The Dungeon Of Sacred Treasure]

"Are you the boss of this place?" Jan called out, his voice echoing in the cavernous chamber.

The figure behind the curtains leaned forward, its golden eyes intensifying in brilliance.

"Boss of thou place?"

The voice, a soft yet commanding whisper, sent a shiver down Jan's spine.

"No... I am the King Of This World."


The curtains parted, revealing skeletal hands reaching out, manipulating a strange flow of energy that snaked towards the knights flanking the throne.

"Come forth, O' Knights Of Crucified Order. Now is your time to defend thy King."

Jan watched in fascination as the knights stirred, their movements robotic and jerky.

A yellow light ignited in their hollow eye sockets, and massive weapons materialized in their grasps.

Next chapter