Author here so personally I think currently my book is worth 3.6 stars, writing quality before posting I go through the chap with Grammarly and personally read It again after posting so there are one or two grammatical mistakes per chap, stability updates so far I have been updating 1 chap per day steadily at the exact same time not counting the bonus chaps for reviews so for this I'm shamelessly giving myself 5 stars, story development although I think It's developing pretty good Im still giving myself 4 stars because I know that I can write It better but my lack of skill as a writer prevents me from doing that, next character design I think I put In a lot of thought In designing the main characters but because I don't focus on secondary ones that much IM giving myself 3 stars, lastly world background Its only worth 3 stars because the world backgrounds concept Isnt unique Im, not the first one to write a book where the MC keeps jumping from the future to the past.
Anyways If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the story level them here.