Although Ziza had only bled a little from the thrashing, her back was black and blue. Her back had resembled a pulp for the following five days. It took nearly two weeks to heal. She missed school those first five days. Never did she tell a soul about what happened that day in fear of losing everything she had and possibly her life. Her words rung loud and clear in Ziza’s head to where one time when her father discovered one bruise, she had to think on her feet and come up with a convincing story to hide the truth.
From that day in that backyard, she was one to never take Faizah’s word for granted. What she said, she meant, and you best believe she followed through with it. Even today, eight years later, Ziza bore the marks of what transpired that day, in the form of almost imperceptible pink and purple lines that marred her back. But those were nothing compared to the psychological ones she tattooed on her for years.
Shaking herself out of her musing and deciding that it was time up, she hurriedly stepped out of the now lukewarm water and hastened into a drying towel.
Ziza dried herself off and left her bathroom so she would dress for work. She had a spare uniform at work; she made quick work of the mundane task by throwing on a pair of worn-out jeans, a shirt, and a baggy hoodie. When she unplugged her phone from the charger and switched it on, it buzzed like crazy at the number of texts that flowed in. It wasn’t surprising at all when she found that most of the messages were from Ferran with only one being from Lulu. She opened Ferran’s messages first.
“Ziza, where are you we are packing up?”
He sent the first one she read a few minutes after midnight Saturday night, followed by a missed call ten minutes later and another message.
“Aziza this is not funny anymore, everyone is looking for you. Boss said to leave you if you don’t show up within the next two minutes.”
“Aziza are you okay? I’m getting desperate here.” The message read, accompanied by a dozen missed calls.
“Ziza I came by your flat and it was empty, please tell me you are at least okay. The boss man wants to see you ASAP.”
Aziza made a mental note to call Ferran after she finished with everything else. She opened Lu’s message, which was a voicemail message.
“Hey Ziza, please call me back soon, I need to talk to you. Also, Mr. Michaelson wants to see us as soon as possible,” she paused as if she wanted to add something but decided against it and settled for, “okay bye.”
At her colleague’s frantic words, Aziza’s heart dropped to her, stopped, and she instantly did the math and there was only one answer. She was sure the issue was about what happened three nights ago. From that moment Aziza was, for the first time, dreading to appear at work.
Frantic, she speed dialled Ferran as she packed her things and headed out after applying sufficient makeup to cover the ugly bruises on her face.
The young man picked up on the second ring.
“You better have a good explanation.” Was the first thing Aziza heard as she got into her car.
“I’m alive and well thanks for asking.” Aziza smiled sarcastically even though her friend couldn’t see her.
“Does this look like the time for jokes, Aziza. I’ve been worrying sick about you. What happened? You just disappeared.” He asked.
Aziza switched the call to her car via Bluetooth.
“I know, I know I’m sorry. I had a ‘minor’ problem at the festival and let’s just say I faced the consequences.” She breathed.
“Define this minor problem.” Ferran sighed through the line.
“Rashida.” She bit her lip, all the while with her eyes on the road.
“Rashida? Rashida as in the model, the same one who tormented you through high school at your school that Rashida?” He asked.
“The same one. She’s dating Rafiq or something. I saw her at the festival and let’s just say it got dirty.” She explained.
“Go on,” Ferran said.
“Well, the Prince interfered, and I was so mad that—I threw a shoe at Rashida’s but it hit him instead. His security removed me from the premises and dumped me in a holding cell.” Ziza made sure she left out the most gruesome parts of the story.
“Aziza, what have you done?” Ferran’s voice dripped with disappointment and Aziza couldn’t help but feel guilty.
“I know I’m sorry, I know it was stupid to do what I did. At least I now know the Prince is an arrogant shithead.” She tried to make the topic light, but it did not work, unfortunately.
“Do you know what this means? You could lose your job! Why did you do something so stupid?” Ferran said.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to. No wonder Mr. Michaelson wanted to see you so bad. Pray that you don’t lose that job, Aziza.” He was pissed, but she knew she would have been too if they had switched positions.
“I know,” But Ziza bit her lip to keep herself from acting up. This job was the backbone of her survival and if she lost it she didn’t know what she was going to do, “look Ferran I’ll call you later, I just got to work.” She killed the engine.
“Sure. Tell me what happens soon after okay?”
“Yeah sure. Bye.” She said before ending the call.
Aziza griped her steering wheel in her hands and took in a deep breath before exiting the confines of her car. She’d just entered the building using the employees’ back entrance. Just after she passed through the kitchen, headed for the locker rooms, someone was already calling for her.
“Ziza.” She turned around and saw a flushed Lu’lu wringing her hands in front of her.
“Lu hey, how are you feeling?” She smiled down at the petite girl, having forgotten about the message and the reason she was nervous.
“I’m better,” she swallowed before asking, “Did you get my message?”
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry I forgot. I switched my phone off the entire weekend. I only switched it on this morning. Sorry I forgot to call you back, I was a little busy.”
“It’s okay, I came because Mr. Michaelson sent me to get you. Word got to his ears: you just arrived at work. He wants to see us both.” Oh boy, this couldn’t be good. Especially judging from the way Lu seemed like she was about to crumble.
“Okay, I know what this is about. Lu, don’t worry whatever is going to happen in there, let me handle it, okay?” The poor girl desperately nodded before they started their journey to their boss’ office. Aziza couldn’t help having that feeling that whatever outcome of this meeting was going to be, it would not be good.
The girls took a moment before knocking on the mahogany door. They heard a gruff, “Enter!” through the door before they turned the knob and walked into the room. This was the second time since Aziza started working that she had been in this room, and she feared it would be the last.
Once they had entered Aziza noticed there already was a young man speaking with the boss, and after a closer look she discovered it was the Ghaffar guy from Friday night. The one that had been in charge of the list of people working at the festival.
Oh boy... Aziza gulped.
“Miss Bashar, Miss Jadah, I will not offer you seats because 1. I will not take long and 2. I’m not happy with the report I received on Friday night.” Mr. Michaelson stood from his chair and walked around his desk so he could settle his hip on one corner, his hands folded in his lap. Mr. Michaelson was a man in his late fifties, the man was fit for his age as he was intimidating. Most people got softer as they grew older, but not him. He was the opposite. A no-nonsense type of man. All the more reason everyone was practically shaking in their boots.
“Miss Bashar, may I know the reason and how you ended up being part of the catering services team the palace hired for Friday night at the Abu Marad Royal Palace?” The man asked, his green gaze directly fixed on Aziza’s timid one.
“Sir, I was filling in for Lu—Miss Jadah, she wasn’t feeling well. I only thought it would help if I also filled in for her there.” Aziza answered.
“You thought.” The man huffed.
“Ghaffar, who allowed you to change the final list?” The older man glared at the said young man.
“No one, si. Miss Bashar told me she was going to ta—”
“Miss Bashar? The last time I checked! Who’d died and put her in charge? Not me!” The man’s voice rose with each outburst, “I gave you specific orders and you did your own thing! What you should have done was come back to me and ask!” He banged his fist on his table, causing the three employees to gasp and flinch.
“I’m sorry sir.” Ghaffar gritted his teeth
“Sorry is not good enough! Do you people want this business to fail? Imagine the shock when I read such a report the following morning.” The man said, “Do you have anything to say for yourselves?” He asked, his gaze switching amongst them.
“Please, sir, give us another chance, we won’t inconvenience you again, sir,” Aziza begged the man.
“I’m afraid I cannot risk such an issue occurring again,” the man turned to go back to his seat as he spoke, “either way someone is going to lose their job, you decide.” He shrugged as he went back to his paperwork. Aziza knew he was waiting for a reply, and one thing for sure was that he wasn’t a very patient man. Everyone knew that. He was going to need his answer soon. Glancing to her right, she saw a silently crying Lulu and a gaping Ghaffar to her left. All this was her fault. No one else deserved to be punished for her actions. She was the one who decided to succumb to Rashida’s immature taunts. She was the one who decided throwing the shoe was a good idea. So, Aziza was forced to do the only logical thing at that moment.
“I—I, I take full responsibility, sir.” Aziza stepped forward.
“Miss Bashar, thank you for your services. However, they are no longer required, please clear out your locker and leave the building with the next ten minutes,” he spoke then placed a small brown envelop on his desk, pushing it in her direction," this is half of your pay."