A loud cry immediately rang throughout the auction hall as Gang-San announced the start of the auction and a large man walked up on stage, dragging a group of people onto the stage with these men tightly locked in chains.
“For the first group of goods, let me start with the sea dwellers from distant islands!”
“Huh... Sea Dwellers!?”
“That’s right. They are sea dwellers, tens of thousands of li from our land. Many of you may have heard of their steering skills, as well as their underwater combat skills. We caught them on the northern coast of the kingdom a while ago,” Gang-San immediately described these slaves as they were brought onto the stage.
“Better announce the starting price then, Master Gang-San. We already know their abilities!”
“Yes, yes, yes, announce the starting price. We’re ready!”
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: