The Sect Head’s words got everybody in the room off of their chairs in shock. They knew that it was not easy to ward off the pressure energy of someone at the seventh level of the Nascent Soul stage. The person who could do that must possess an energy level that was a few steps higher. So, the Elders concluded that the kid must possess higher energy than the Sect Head…
From the story that the Sect Head told, they felt that the kid must be very young…
“Not only that, but I also felt a very horrifying killing intent from the kid for a short time. But no matter how hard I tried to detect his energy level, I could only feel that he was only at the ninth level of the Golden Core stage.” The Sect Head said with a faltering tone of voice…
“The ninth level of the Golden Core stage? But how come he could vaporize the pressure energy from the Sect Head!?” The Second Elder, who had been listening quietly, had to exclaim when he heard the kid’s energy level…
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: