Zheng-Fu sent the killing intent to the bald man the minute he finished the sentence. The bald man, who was confused, had to choke out a big gulp of blood. Then he stepped backward without realizing it…
The whole thing that happened seemed like a dream because one was already dead without any violent clash at all. More than that, the bald man, who was the boss of hundreds of men and deemed to be one of the most talented people in the city, was choking out blood…
The men that were under the bald man shouted for him and rushed to support him. They all looked at Zheng-Fu with wonder because they did not understand why their boss, all of a sudden, stepped backward and choked out blood at the same time…
“Too scary!” A voice filled with fear sounded from behind the bar of the tavern. It was the owner’s voice. He said that because he could also sense the enormous intimidating killing intent…
Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: