
The Heraldry of Xiao Clan I



After Zheng-Fu and Xiao-Jiang got inside the auction house, Xiao-Jiang led Zheng-Fu to a room to talk about why Zheng-Fu came to see her. She wanted to know why he was here…

Xiao-Jiang: “What brought you here today? Are you here to ask me to be your girlfriend?”


Xiao-Jiang said while making a sexy facial expression to Zheng-Fu to tease him. She thought that he was only a small boy…


“You make me shy when you say that. You’re young and pretty. Why won’t I want you to be my girlfriend? But I think you wouldn’t like me that much because I’m just a kid!”

Zheng-Fu teased Xiao-Jiang back while making an innocent face. His experience in flirting from the previous world helped him deal with this kind of situation. He knew that Xiao-Jiang only wanted to tease him, but he would not let her do that without doing the same thing back…

*High-pitched laugh!*

Xiao-Jiang felt a little startled to hear that from Zheng-Fu. It made her doubt whether Zheng-Fu was really a kid…


“I was just teasing you, sister Xiao-Jiang, but it would be lovely if you could be my girlfriend. Well, the reason why I came here is to ask you something!”

After making small talk to Xiao-Jiang, Zheng-Fu started to get back to why he came to see her. He wanted to take care of the unfinished business for those spirits…


Xiao-Jiang gave out a dry smile. She just realized that she was the one who got played in the teasing conversation…

Xiao-Jiang: “And what do you want to ask me?”

Xiao-Jiang also changed back to normal because she saw how Zheng-Fu all of a sudden became more serious…

“Do you have a boyfriend?”



“I’m sorry. I’m just joking. Alright. The question that I want to ask you is about your surname.”

*My surname!?*

Xiao-Jiang: “My very surname?”

Xiao-Jiang felt a little confused when Zheng-Fu mentioned her surname. She did not understand why he wanted to ask her about it…

“Are you from the Xiao Clan?”

Xiao-Jiang: “Yes! As you know, my surname is ‘Xiao’. So, it’s clear that I’m from the Xiao Clan. This auction house also belongs to the Xiao Clan, but…”

Xiao-Jiang paused after she started to talk about herself. Then she became sad. She was about to say something but decided to stop. She instead looked up at Zheng-Fu and asked…

Xiao-Jiang: “Why did you ask me that question?”

“The thing is, I found something and I have a feeling that it belongs to your Xiao Clan. That’s why I came to see you today!” Zheng-Fu said while giving her a light nice smile…

“Something that belongs to the Xiao Clan!?”

Xiao-Jiang looked confused. She could not think of anything that Zheng-Fu found and happened to belong to her. And he mentioned her clan too…

Xiao-Jiang: “Why don’t you tell me what you found? I’m dying to know now. And please excuse my curiosity!”

Xiao-Jiang said while pressing herself towards Zheng-Fu…

“You make me feel uncomfortable now. Please step a little backward, sister! If you don’t, you can’t call me a bad boy for what I’m going to do!” Zheng-Fu did not want to let Xiao-Jiang get away with how she teased him, so he stared right at her bosom instantly. It made Xiao-Jiang blush and step backward immediately…

*High-pitched laugh!*

Xiao-Jiang looked at Zheng-Fu because he shocked her with his action. Even though she was older than him, she was still young, so it was normal for her to feel shy. She just found herself getting shy in front of a small kid, not a boy her age…

Xiao-Jiang never thought that Zheng-Fu could send that kind of adult gaze to her. She started to feel strange in front of him because she was not sure now that Zheng-Fu was really a small boy…

“I told you! Tee-hee. Anyway, let’s get back to our conversation. Since you are from the Xiao Clan, I’ll give you th…”



As Zheng-Fu was about to discuss the heraldry of the Xiao Clan, one of the security guards rushed in to see Xiao-Jiang. He breathed heavily while bowing and wanted to say something…

Xiao-Jiang: “What’s going on? Why didn’t you knock?”

Security Guard: “Please excuse me, madam, but we have some problems! It’s urgent, so I forgot to knock…”

“Urgent problem!”

Xiao-Jiang crinkled her eyebrows when she heard the security guard…

Xiao-Jiang: “What’s happening? Tell me!”

Security Guard: “Elder Xiao-Tong-Fang is arguing with the people from the Hai Clan outside the auction house, madam!”

“Hai Clan!?”

When Xiao-Jiang heard of the Hai Clan, her face turned dark and fierce instantly. She held her fists up with anger. Zheng-Fu felt suspicious to hear that because he never heard of the Hai Clan before…

“Who is the Hai Clan, sister Xiao-Jiang?” Zheng-Fu asked with a puzzled face…

When Xiao-Jiang saw Zheng-Fu’s innocent face, she stopped being angry and felt better. She said…

Xiao-Jiang: “Have you ever heard of Heavenly Trade Association, little Zheng-Fu?”

“Heavenly Trade Association!?”

Zheng-Fu exclaimed the name and shook his head to say that he did not know the association. He had heard of the name when he studied with Master Huang, but he did not know much about it…

Xiao-Jiang: “The Heavenly Trade Association consists of 12 merchant clans. These clans helped establish the association. Hai Clan is one of the 12 clans. And my Xiao Clan is also one of them…”

Xiao-Jiang explained while starting to get sadder and sadder. Then she said…

Xiao-Jiang: “For the past years, Hai Clan has been pressuring my clan very much because…”


“What happened!?”

All of a sudden, a loud noise occurred outside of the auction house. Xiao-Jiang’s facial expression changed. She rushed outside to see what was going on. The security guard and Zheng-Fu followed her instantly too…

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

“What’s going on!?”


When she reached outside, she saw many people flocking at the entrance of the auction house. She remembered that they were from the Hai Clan…

Xiao-Jiang: “What’s going on, uncle Tong-Fang? What are they doing here?”

Hai-Nan: “Whoa! That’s miss cute Xiao-Jiang!”

Xiao-Jiang frowned when she heard that voice. She stared at the person who said that to her with a very angry face as if she could set fire with that facial expression…

Xiao-Jiang: “What are you guys doing here, Hai-Nan!?”

Hai-Nan: “Whoa! What are we doing here, my dear? Do you forget about what we agreed at the meeting of the Heavenly Trade Association? You lost your clan’s heraldry so your clan must be taken out of the association. If you haven’t found it, then you have to give up this auction house…”


“You have to give it up!”

The people from the Hai Clan started to cheer Hai-Nan about Xiao-Jiang having to give up the auction house. They did it with utmost joy. It brought sorrow to Xiao-Jiang immensely…

Xiao-Jiang: “You can only dream, Hai-Nan! This auction house belongs to us and we’ll never give it up!”

Hai-Nan: “But it is the order of the Heavenly Trade Association, little miss Xiao-Jiang. Are you going to go against the order?”


Xiao-Jiang: “The hell with the association! No one touches our auction house!”

Xiao-Jiang said with extreme rage. Zheng-Fu did not know the whole story, but he could guess what happened. He overheard the conversation and he had that heraldry with him. And it was like what he thought. The heraldry indeed belonged to Xiao-Jiang…

Hai-Nan: “Why do you have to be that upset, little miss Xiao-Jiang? If you agree to be my wife, you won’t have to lose your auction house. We both could make it great for our clans…”

When Hai-Nan finished speaking, he approached Xiao-Jiang and reached his hand to touch her, but then…



Xiao-Jiang: “Take your dirty hand off of me!”

“How dare you!?”


After Xiao-Jiang slapped Hai-Nan’s face, the guy who stood next to Hai-Nan stepped in and projected his force towards Xiao-Jiang’s group. When the security guards saw that, they rushed to block the force instantly…


Tack! Tack!

Security guard after security guard got knocked down by the bad guy’s punches. They all cried in pain on the ground. They could not fight the bad guys because they only possessed the first or second level of the Foundation Building stage…

The bad guy was at the fifth level of the Foundation Building stage, so he was confident in himself. He saw that the people around the area possessed at most the third level of the Foundation Building stage, so he was not afraid to show off…


The bad guy kept moving forward and was about to reach Xiao-Jiang. When Elder Xiao-Tong-Fang saw that, he stepped between the bad guy and Xiao-Jiang and used every drop of his energy to block the attack instantly…

“Watch out little miss!”

???: “Are you asking for it? Fine! Then, take this! Yah!”

As the bad guy’s punch was about to clash with Xiao-Tong-Fang’s, a shadow dashed to the bad guy and punched him in his stomach quickly, and then the shadow disappeared…


The bad guy was punched so hard that he was sent up into the air and fell down many meters away from the spot. He coughed out a pool of blood and cried in agony like how the security guards were earlier…

The whole thing gasped everyone with shock. No one saw what happened because it happened so quickly. The people in the scene did not know how the bad guy lay down in pain on the ground like that…

Hai-Nan: “Y…y…you let your men hurt my guy!?”


Xiao-Jiang got back to herself. She ridiculed Hai-Nan’s statement because his guy hurt a lot of her guys just a minute before. She did not want to complain about it because no one around could protect her and her people. When she saw the bad guy get punched up into the air that way, it made her feel relieved, even though she did not know who made that happen…

Xiao-Tong-Fang, at the same time, stood stunned and took a look at himself. Then he looked at that bad guy on the ground. He knew that he would not be able to withstand that bad guy’s punch. So, he was surprised when things turned out that way…

Xiao-Tong-Fang: *What happened? My fist hasn’t touched his fist, but how come he got punched that horribly? And what was that wind earlier?*

Everybody slipped into their own contemplation world after the incident. Zheng-Fu was the only one who stood calmly because he was the one who took care of that bad guy. He used his Qinggong skill to speed up his move and then released his punch using his family’s secret fist fighting technique…

Zheng-Fu could take the bad guy down because he was at the highest level of the fourth level of the Foundation Building stage. He knew that he was not inferior to the bad guy, so he acted by instinct when he attacked him. And the result was, the bad guy was defeated by him…

Next chapter