

October 29, 1991

I quickly discovered the Resurrection Stone had limits.

After one hour, Abraham Erskine began showing signs of discomfort. I had already received the super-soldier formula, but I want to know why each ingredient was selected and why other ingredients were excluded.

After another thirty minutes, he was unable to continue speaking. I released him after it became clear he wasn't able to continue.

It took three days before Abraham Erskine returned to my summons. I wasn't idle during that time.

After I released Dr. Erskine, I called on Arnim Zola. He may have made an artificial version of himself, but he still died. I quickly discovered Zola didn't really create the super-soldier serum he administered to Bucky.

All Zola did was take the notes for the incomplete serum Dr. Erskine made and removed several parts that pertained to mental enhancement. After seeing the creation of the Red Skull, Zola focused on a purely physical enhancement serum.

Hydra didn't need leaders. Hydra needed obedient soldiers strong enough to carry out missions given to them by superiors. Zola didn't believe Hydra super soldiers needed the enhanced mental capacity Dr. Erskine was aiming for.

I'll give credit to the stumpy little Nazi, he didn't take many risks. I guess he feared to create his own Frankenstein's monster.

While waiting for another talk with Dr. Erskine, I occupied my time by calling on wizards and practicing magical combat.

I focused on Auror training and other magical duelists. It was rather easy to find powerful witches and wizards to summon. I started with James and Lily Potter, and after learning a bit from each, I had them tell me the names of everyone they deemed powerful.

I would then call on those deceased wizards and witches to learn from. After an hour of learning from the spirit, I asked for more names to call upon. I repeated that cycle until Dr. Erskine answered my summons for the second time.

From my second session with Dr. Erskine, I learned about the expected gains of the serum with Vita-Rays. The use of Vita-Rays when the Super Soldier Serum is being administered is the key to reaching 'peak human' abilities. The Vita radiation greatly stimulates cellular growth from the serum improvements.

With the combined two, an intelligent man would become a genius. A strong man would gain herculean strength. A morally corrupt man would become manipulative and evil.

If Vita radiation wasn't used when Steve Rogers was injected with the super-soldier serum, he wouldn't have gained the phenomenal results he ended up with. He would have still been five-foot-nothing and only received half the mental capabilities he could have.

Steve Rogers gained almost an entire foot of height and over one-hundred pounds of weight. Standing close to six feet tall already, I'm a bit worried I'll end up a hulking seven feet tall. That would make it hard to blend into a crowd.

Even if it caused me to stand out, the physical enhancements would be welcome. What I mostly care about is gaining the full mental boost.

Luckily, Vita radiation is emitted off of a chemical created by Howard Stark called Nitramene. Remembering the episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. allowed me to gain the Nitramene formula relatively easily.

While Nitramene appears to be far less complicated than the super-soldier serum, I'll still need access to a lab to create them.

Another item I plan to acquire is the Heart-Shaped Herb. There are two main reasons to take the Heart-Shaped Herb.

The first is the overstimulation of the Pacinian corpuscles. This sends signals to the brain to allow for near-perfect movement. This is how Black Panther is able to twist and dodge with unparalleled grace. Training will still be needed to maximize the effect.

The second reason for taking in the Heart-Shaped Herb is the heightened senses. All of them. Black Panther can track by smell, see in the dark and hear the beating heart of those near him.

There is also speculation of a possible danger sense. I'm unsure about the last one, but I won't complain either way.

I plan to take the Heart-Shaped Herb in conjunction with the super-soldier serum. The combination should make me stronger than Black Panther, with better senses and reflexes than Captain America.

I still wouldn't bet on myself in a fistfight with either one of them. At least not yet. Both of them are highly trained melee fighters, and I've never had a martial arts lesson in my life.

But why learn to punch an enemy, when I have so much magic at my fingertips?

I put thoughts of the super-soldier serum aside as an idea struck me. It took me multiple guesses, but I eventually found the man I was looking for.

Cadmus Peverell, the second brother in the Deathly Hallows story. Thinking back on that interaction still gives me goosebumps.

Once I had the ancient wizard standing before me, I noticed his attention immediately went to the Resurrection Stone in my hand. After seeing the stone, he gives me a look of pure pity.

I choose to ignore this look and ask my question. "Tell me, Cadmus, did you create the Resurrection Stone?"

With a slight shake of his head, "No."

Not wanting to jump to conclusions, "Who did create the Resurrection Stone?"

With a look filled with sorrow, "My brothers and I would later name the being Death."

I found that statement odd, considering the oldest brother supposedly died shortly after gaining the Elder Wand.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I know the story, but I always assumed the brothers were skilled enchanters and created the enchantments for the Deathly Hallows.

Staring at the second brother, "Are you saying Death created the Deathly Hallows?"

With a look of pure anguish, "Take heed young one, for those that hunt the Deathly Hallows are hunted in turn."

A strong aura of death and decay flooded into the room. In a startling burst of black flame, Cadmus Peverell was consumed in the flames!

"What the fuck was that?!" On high alert, Magicka is freely flowing from my body, waiting to be called on for a spell.

It took me several minutes to calm down.

What did Cadmus mean by that? Was he trying to warn me that others will seek the Resurrection Stone, or is he warning me about Death itself? And where did that aura come from?

Two days after that incident, I've not used the Resurrection Stone again. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. One being of unimaginable power is enough to deal with. I don't need to add the Grimm Reaper to the mix.

I still plan to use the Resurrection Stone in the future, but something is telling me to limit how often it's used.

My magical practice is interrupted by the subtle pop of Trixie entering the training hall.

"Trixie is sorry to disturb Master, but there be a visitor," Trixie nervously states.

That's odd. I can't think of anyone that would be visiting me. "Who is this visitor, Trixie?"

"The visitor is from Master's village. She said her name be Rosalind Thruston, Master Dragon Sir."

I forgot all about the village. I don't even know the name of it.

With my curiosity peaked, "Trixie, where is Ms. Thruston?"

"Trixie took her to the sitting room, Master Dragon Sir."

"Perfect. See that she is made comfortable. I'll greet her shortly."


With wavy black hair and brown eyes, Rosalind Thruston was an attractive witch in her early thirties. Slight wrinkles were making an appearance around Rosalind's eyes, but they just added to the mature air about her.

The magical residents of the village all agreed on one thing. Rosalind Thruston makes every attempt to spoil her children rotten.

Rosalind noticed the large manor appeared to finally be occupied. After the new owner wasn't chased off by the devious poltergeists haunting the estate, the mother of three decided on a course of action.

After living through the war against He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named as a half-blood, Rosalind learned the value of freedom and life.

As the new magical Lord of the village, he will be entitled to impose sanctions. He could impose sanctions that would drastically alter the villager's way of life and possibly infringe on their freedoms.

Rosalind hoped to discover a bit of the new Lord's personality, and possibly bring up the subject of a celebration.

A joy-filled Halloween like they have never seen before is something she wanted to give her two youngest while her eldest was off attending Hogwarts. Something well within the ability of a prosperous lord.

Historically, the village lord would host a banquet during holidays for those living in their jurisdiction. But there hasn't been a banquet since Rosalind was a small girl.

Hopefully, if the new lord seems receptive, she can convince him to re-establish this tradition. While the other magical families would gather during holidays to put on a small banquet for the children, it is nothing impressive.

Rosalind just wants her children to experience the same level of the celebrations she witnessed as a child.

As the door to the sitting room opens, Rosalind stands up. Rosalind uses this opportunity to get a good look at the young man.

His short hair and trimmed beard can't hide his youthful appearance. Rosalind doubted he was over twenty-five years old. While dressed in a dark vest and slacks, the rolled sleeves of his shirt and open collar leave him looking very relaxed and casual.

What Rosalind wasn't expecting were his eyes. The pale blue eyes seemed to glow as they looked her over. She had only seen eyes glow like that on one other person, her former Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

"Good morning, Ms. Thruston. I am Xavier Dovahkiin," the younger man stated in a soothing baritone voice.

Keeping edict, Rosalind replied, "Good morning to you as well, Lord Dovahkiin. Thank you for receiving me." She couldn't help noticing the foreign accent.

Rosalind never considered herself world-traveled, but she had visited several countries around Europe.

Once seated, the two spent several minutes discussing pleasantries over a cup of strong coffee. Another oddity Rosalind noted about the man.

After edict was satisfied, Lord Dovahkiin broached the subject of her presence. "Tell me, Ms. Thruston, what brings you to see me?"

Placing her cup gently on the end table beside her, Rosalind prepared herself. "I have come to inquire if you will be reinstating any of the traditional events."

"And which events are you referring to?" Lord Dovahkiin asked with genuine interest.

"I am referring to the Halloween and Christmas banquets hosted by the governing lord." A dense tension was building in Rosalind's stomach. She knew she had no right to ask it, but she couldn't help herself.

"Please, tell me a bit about the Halloween banquet," Lord Dovahkiin said.

Rosalind took several minutes to describe the few banquets she could remember. Giving detailed descriptions of the games and food featured. The more she recalled of her past experiences, the more excited she became.

As Rosalind reached the end of her telling, Lord Dovahkiin was leaning back in his chair with a noticeable smile on his face. Lightly nodding his head, Lord Dovahkiin replied, "That sounds like a wonderful idea! How many guests should I expect?"

Rosalind dumbly stared with her mouth slightly ajar. She didn't think it would be this easy to convince Lord Dovahkiin to spend a great deal of money. Snapping her mouth shut, Rosalind draws in a deep breath before answering. "There is a total of nine magical families hidden in the village. If everyone shows, you can expect a total of thirty-seven, including young children."

"Wonderful! If you would be so kind as to invite the families, I shall see to the particulars needed for the celebration."

Rosalind happily answers, "It would be my pleasure, and thank you again for this Lord Dovahkiin!"


After seeing Rosalind off, I returned to the library. I didn't really care for the woman. After exchanging a few words with Rosalind, it was clear her visit was an attempt to financially exploit me.

It wasn't out of kindness that swayed my decision to host the requested party. It was the super-soldier serum.

The serum will magnify all my characteristics, good and bad. If I continued to ignore others and concentrate on my goal of increasing my strength, it might enhance my desire to seek power over everything else.

That's not what I want. That's not who I am.

With Cadmus Peverell's warning still fresh in my mind, I need to tread carefully. A clear and focused mind will be far more beneficial than risking my safety for a quick power-up. I must play the long-game.

I begin to list several other activities I can partake in to try and prevent ending up hell-bent for power. Meditation and charitable causes come to mind. I might even consult a psychologist. Who I might Obliviate after each session.

I don't plan to take the serum until after the Animagus ritual is complete. That will give me a month to work on my mental characteristics.

I see the possibility of this move resulting in me becoming a master manipulator after taking the serum. I consider that a much better trade-off than being a power-obsessed psycho.

It's also possible to not have an effect. This isn't a desire born of greed, but me attempting to save my own life.

Next chapter