
The Twins

The weeks passed with the girls teaching and learning from each other, playing around, and talking about anything and everything they could think of Talia didn't have any more of those dreams and everything was going alright.

"Where's Maddie?" Talia asks John once she enters the store, used to having Maddie waiting for her out front every week.

"Hello to you too, Talia" He laughs softly at her chastised face "Check the backyard, the twins probably distracted her from the time" John tells her.

"Thanks" Talia screams back at him already running towards the backyard wondering what twins he was talking about with Morgana following behind her. She gets there and stops abruptly as she sees Maddie tinkering with some metals as two blonde, nearly identical little boys ask her questions.

"What are you doing now?" The taller of the two asks.

"I'm trying to find the right sized piece" Maddie answers.

"Why don't you just cut them to the size you want?" The shorter one asks.

"Because I rather check if I already have the right size first, instead of cutting something I might need later" Maddie answers.

"Uhm, Hi" Talia says, waving awkwardly after watching them for a bit.

"TALIA!!!" Maddie drops everything with a clank and runs to hug her friend.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you got here, did you wait too long?" Maddie asks not letting go of her friend as the twins watch the interaction, the taller one with a smile at seeing his friend so happy and the shorter one with a scowl at how Maddie literally dropped everything for the new girl while he had to wait and watch her finish working all this time.

"It's fine, I just asked your dad where you were and came here to find you" Talia answers with a huge smile on her face, now completely forgetting about their audience.

"Who's the kid?" The shorter of the boys asks walking up to the girls.

"Oh, right, this is Talia, Talia these are Jordan" she gestures to the shorter twin, "and Joshua" she gestures to the taller twin who went back to inspecting Maddie's work where she left it.

"Call me Josh" Josh says briefly looking up at the girls and then back at Maddie's work again.

"Is she your relative or something?" Jordan asks looking Talia up and down with distaste "Do you need to babysit her now?"

"No!" Maddie says, hugging Talia tighter as she looks at Jordan with a glare "She's my friend and she doesn't need a babysitter, she can handle herself" Maddie says moving to stand in front of Talia, between the two, still glaring.

[Are you just gonna let him talk to you like that? I thought you didn't like being called a baby in front of Maddie]

Talia struggles to hold back a smirk 'I don't really care what this random kid says, he is just a kid after all and Maddie knows better anyway, did you see how protective she got of me?'

[That's very mature of you to say] Clover says with a hint of sarcasm.

'Well, I am however old I died plus my time here, I think I can handle an eight year old boy acting his age' Talia answers missing Clover's point completely.

[Good luck]


"Don't mind him, he is just upset because Maddie hugged you and she doesn't let him get even close enough to her for him to think about it" Joshua laughs as his brother glares at him "Nice to meet you Talia" he makes his way towards them and offers his hand for Talia to shake.

Talia shakes his hand "Nice to meet you too, it's okay though, he is right to feel threatened" 'she's mine anyways' she smirks at Jordan to which all of them, but Jordan laugh at. "And this is Morgana, she's a dragon" she steps aside to let them see Morgana, who was hiding behind her feeling a little shy near new people.

"Hi" Morgana says with a small voice, hovering a bit behind Talia's head.

"That's not a dragon, why would a twerp like you have a dragon? It's probably just a weird flying lizard or something" Jordan says still frustrated from Talia having made fun of him in front of Maddie.

'Oh, he's so dead'

[What happened to him being just a kid and acting his age?]

'That was until he made fun of Morgana, I'm gonna make him pay for that one later'

[What do you have planned]

'Oh you'll see' Talia barely hides a smirk now, taking Morgana from the air and holding her, petting her head to give her comfort.

"Hi, Morgana, I'm Josh, nice to meet you" Josh says completely ignoring his brother's comment knowing he is just being petty right now.

Maddie scratches behind Morgana's ear and whispers to her "Don't worry about Jordan, he is not very smart and doesn't know what he is talking about, you're the best dragon ever"

Morgana flies to Maddie's shoulder "Hi, Josh, nice to meet you too, sorry you have a dumb brother" They all laugh as Jordan stares daggers at Morgana.

"Like a talking lizard even knows what she is talking about" Jordan mumbles under his breath, but still loud enough for all to hear.

Talia takes a menacing step towards him, but Maddie intercepts her "You either leave or stop making fun of my friends, I don't care what you think you know about someone you just met, but I'm not just going to stand here and watch as you are rude to them, what's it gonna be?" Maddie tells him in a seriously pissed off voice.

"Sorry" he shuffles his feet and mumbles, going back to Maddie's now abandoned project with his head low.

"So..." Maddie turns to the girls with a smile "What do you two wanna do today?" Josh just walks back towards his brother to give the girls some space.

Morgana just flies straight into her arms and cuddles around her neck without a word.

Talia laughs and asks "Don't you have to finish whatever you were working on before we got here?" She points to where Maddie's work was abandoned and the boys that seem to be trying to make sense of it.

"Not really, it's mostly done anyway, what about going for some ice-cream?" Maddie asks excitedly, petting a now nearly asleep Morgana.

"Okay" Talia nods with a smile at her familiar being so comfortable with her friend "your friends can come too if they want" she says, not wanting to exclude the boys, well Josh, not wanting to exclude Josh, Jordan is still gonna pay for what he said about Morgana.

Maddie smiles at Talia wanting to include her friends, even with Jordan having been an ass to her "Boys" They look up at her "Wanna go grab some ice-cream with us?"

"HECK YEAH" Josh screams smiling and running for his bag, ready to go.

"Suuree" Jordan says looking between the girls with contempt.

this is unedited, sorry.

slowly getting back to the book, will probably start posting more frequently with time.

undercover_katcreators' thoughts
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