
Chapter 4 First Dungeon!

(N/A: I can finally upload chapters! God doesn't know what I had to go through these days to upload this chapter, but well here I leave you with the chapter, finally don't forget to read my other fanfic Reincarnando en Murder Drones (how N with the Absolute Solver!?)

To save a little, this is how it will look when the protagonist interacts with the system and his thoughts


{} AI system

() Thoughts or things apart



4 years later

During the following years I decided to train my skills, my body on the other hand only a little since it is recommended for us to do it until the age of 5, the only thing I received at the age of 2 was another $500 dollars, at the age of 3 I received a healing potion and at 4 years old another pair of daggers that I already had and I'm not even 5 years old yet so good.


[Name: Steven Quartz Universe]


["The Player" (Congratulations are the lucky one who has obtained a Player System, which grants him the Skills "Gamer Mind and Body".)]

["Boy from Another World" (You are one of the few who have been able to speak with God and have been granted the option to reincarnate in another world of your choice, which grants you the Skill "AI System".)]

["Steven Universe Fan" (In your previous life you were a fan of the Steven Universe franchise, so you have been granted the Skill "Rapid Learning".)]

[Age: 5 years]

[Race: Human/Diamond Hybrid]

[Level: 5 (Experience 500/1000)]

[Strength: 25]

[Life: 500 (50 health recovery time per second)]

[Mana: 500 (Cooldown time 50 mana per second)]

[Agility: 15]

[Speed: 25]

[Stamina: 50]

[Intelligence: 54]

[Luck: 45]

[Points: 80]

[Money: $500 dollars]

[States: None]

[Description: A reincarnate now known as Steven, youngest member of the Crystal Gems, is a human-Gem hybrid, also being the only male (or generally having a gender) half-human individual of the Gem species, his mother He gave up his physical form to give it life. Steven began to glow, the Crystal Gems began to theorize about the intense glow that his gem emitted, but they could not find an answer. Pearl believes the solution is to rip out Steven's gem, but when she is about to do so, she stops herself understanding that Rose and Steven are two different people.]


["Gamer's Mind" (Passive: are those effects that are applied as part of a much larger action, automatically), allows the host to think things calmly and logically. It allows a peaceful state of mind, immune to psychological states and their effects. Level. Maximum]

["Player Body" (Passive), grants the host a body that allows him to experience the real world as a video game. Level. Maximum]

["AI System" (Passive), assistant that provides answers to the wearer about the Steven Universe world. Level. Maximum]

(It seems that he is just my assistant, I told myself)

["Rapid Learning" (Passive), increases the host's ability to acquire new skills and knowledge in a short period of time, this skill can be improved through practice and repetition. Level. Maximum]

["Stealth", allows the host to move undetected by enemies, this ability includes the ability to hide behind objects, move silently, and avoid detection by electronic devices. Level. 2 (20% chance of not being found)]

["Charisma", (Default: ability the host has at the beginning of the "game", without needing to unlock or upgrade it.) allows the host to persuade, influence and socialize more successfully, can be used to persuade other characters to take certain actions or to avoid conflicts. Level. 4 (40% chance of being friends)]

["Empathy" (Default), the host's ability to emotionally connect with other characters in the game and with the player. Level 6 (60% chance of understanding the other person)]

["Liar" (Inherited: abilities of the host that it possesses at the beginning of the "game" and that comes from the father or mother), the host's ability to deceive others, this ability can be used to obtain information or avoid conflict) Level . 2 (20% chance your lies will be believed)]

["Composer" (Inherited), host's ability to create a song. Level. 7 (You can learn to create any song)]

["Musician" (Inherited), host's ability to play musical instruments or create music. Level. 7 (You can learn to play any instrument)]

["Observe" (Acquired), allows the host to observe the maximum life and mana and its description. Level. 2 (This skill for the moment can give a short description)]

[Shield (Default Weapon). Level 2 It is the host's weapon, it can be used for defensive purposes, although it can also be thrown as a boomerang. You can manipulate its size. Multiple shields can be cast repeatedly, but it will drain more of the host's mana. (Resists 400 damage, spends 100 mana per shield)]

[Protective Bubble (Weapon): One of Rose Quartz's (Pink Diamond) abilities, it creates a bubble-shaped barrier around her. You can control the size of it and make it sprout. Level 2 (Resists 300 damage, spends 50 mana per protective bubble).]

["Partial shape change" (Acquired) (Upon reaching the Maximum Level it will evolve in full shape change). The host can change certain parts of her body into animals or stretch her limbs, it also greatly consumes her energy. Level. 2 (Consume 25 mana per partial body change, consume nothing when returning to normal)]

[Gem Fusion. It is a filigree ability, and is formed when two or more gems perform a dance or some type of synchronization in order to unite their bodies and minds. When done correctly, the Gems will begin to glow and turn into light before forming the full body of the new Gem. Being a half-human hybrid, it can be done with another human. If done incorrectly, the gems will not be able to join together and will be ejected before the entire transformation is finished. Level. 1 (10% chance of working apart must have a good relationship with the other person)]

["Aura Projection" (Inherited), being part Diamond you can project an aura around your body, you can radiate it from your body or emit it from specific parts of your body, generally your hands. The host, having the Pink Diamond Gem, has calming properties and has the power to calm spirits and end a fight, if necessary. Level. 4 (Consumes 10 mana per second)]

[Create Dungeon. Level 1 (10%), Level 1. Allows the host to create instant dungeons. The higher the level, the more difficult the dungeon will be.]

[Exit Dungeon. Level 1 (10%). Level 1. Allows the host to escape the dungeon.]


[Notebook, this notebook, although it seems simple, is quite resistant, and if the host wishes, what he writes here, no one other than the host can see its contents]

[Necklace, this necklace multiplies the mana recovery by x3 while the host is wearing it]

[Strength Potion II, multiplies the host's strength by x3 for 3 minutes]

[Throwing Knives (Weapon), Throwing knives that deal 50 damage, generate bleeding that weakens your opponent's health for 3 minutes. You can use potions to give them additional effects.] [X2]

[Pink Shirt with a Star (Armor/Clothing), +100 to agility, speed and resistance attributes]

[Dark Robe (Armor/Clothing), +50 resistance attribute, increases stealth]

[Dark Pants (Armor/Clothing), +25 to stamina, speed, and stamina attributes]

[Wooden Boomerang (Weapon), wooden boomerang that deals 25 damage, but when thrown it generates a small whirlwind that deals 15 damage when hitting the target]

[Dagger (Weapon), a small dagger that deals 35 damage, generates bleeding that weakens your opponent's health for 1 minute. You can use potions to give them additional effects.]

[Healing potion, restores all lost life points]

And well here we are celebrating my birthday.

Greg, Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst: Happy birthday Steven!

They all said it while smiling just like me.

Me: Happy birthday to me (I said it while sticking out my tongue) hahaha.

Greg: Well I think it's time for you to open your gifts Stevo.

As he said it he handed me a rather large gift box which when I opened it was a ukulele.

Steven: Thanks dad (I said it while giving him a hug)

Amethyst: Well, well Stevo now it's my turn.

Amethyst gave me a bag wrapped in purple gift paper poorly tied with a pink ribbon tied poorly. When I opened it I had a pile of cat cookies.

Steven: Ahh, cat cookies, my favorite. (I said it with a smile)

Amethyst: I didn't know what to get you so I stole a bunch of cat cookies.

Pearl: Then I came back and paid for them. (She said it with a frown)

Before one of their fights broke out I intervened.

Steven: Well the intention is what counts.

Pearl: If you say so.

Something I didn't mention is that Perla is a little tolerant of me although she is still very overprotective.

Pearl: Now she touches my gift.

Pearl's gift was a box carefully wrapped in light blue wrapping paper with a pink bow.

Upon carefully opening it I found inside a book about programming and aviation.

When I saw what was inside I hugged Pearl with all my strength.

Steven: It was just what she wanted (I said it excited and happy) how did you know?

Pearl: Well I had a little help. (She said it turning to see Garnet)

Curious I asked.

Steven: How did you know Garnet?

Garnet: Magic (he said it with a small smile as he adjusted his dark futuristic triangular glasses)

(He must have used his future vision, I had planned to ask my dad when he was a little older since these books were a little expensive)

Steve: Thank you.

Garnet: My gift is still missing.

Garnet's gift was a small gift box wrapped in red wrapping paper tied with a pink ribbon.

When I opened it, there was, to my surprise, a pair of sunglasses just like the ones Garnet wears.

Steven: Wow, thanks Garnet. (I said it smiling for Garnet)

Garnet: It's nothing Steven (he said it while rubbing my head)

Greg: Alright Stevo it's time for cake.

Steven and Amethyst: Yes!

Greg: Make a wish Steven

After saying that I blew out the candles on my cake.

[Congratulations on your birthday host, as it is a special day you will be awarded a reward!]

["Healing Saliva" (Inherited): The host can heal any kind of damage, whether biological or mechanical, with his saliva. Level 1 (10% chance to take effect, spends 200 mana per use.]

(Well, it's not that bad, especially because of what I'm going to do at night.)

Grag: There's still one more surprise for you (I turned to look at Dad), we were talking about it so we've decided to build a house on the beach for you to come live with the gems.

Steven: Seriously, dad?! (I said it excited).

Pearl: Yes Steven, so when you awaken your powers we can help you separately so we can take care of you.

Steven: Best birthday ever, wuju.

After that I competed with Amethyst to see who ate cake the fastest, I don't think there's any need to ask who won.

When night came I prepared to enter the dungeon, putting on my necklace, the pink shirt, and the dark tunic and pants. When I'm ready I head to the beach.

(Well the time has come. How do I create a Cortana dungeon? If that's the name of my AI)

{To create a dungeon you must say "Create Dungeon" depending on your current level it will be more difficult, good luck Steven}

Steven: Thanks Cortana. Create dungeon!

At the moment I shouted that I felt that the whole world began to spin, the sky turned red and the moment it stopped spinning I was in a forest.

Steven: Here we go.

I said it and then took out my throwing knives from my inventory.

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