
Help Alex

As the world became clearer, Alex saw figures approaching him. They looked at him as if he were a miracle, rather than an elf full of wounds, with broken limbs and probably just half a skull remaining.

"The words are clear," another orc said nearby.

"It's him! He's the promised one," another voice muffled, said in a hushed tone as Alex felt his body being lifted into the sky. He moved his head slightly to the side and could see some movement in the crowd.

The first one he saw was Bogath, as words vanished from the air. He was performing some kind of magic. Alex felt his body anesthetized, and the pain evaporated.

I can't breathe! He realized and panicked, trying to thrash and move, but it was futile.

I don't need to breathe, was the second realization Alex had.

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