
Two Surprises

As Alex adjusted his vision, he finally understood who stood before him. The small figure was the dark elf assassin. She stood there, wearing her prison garb, which still accentuated her curves. Although tiny, her waist was wide, and she was busty. 

When she moved, everything seemed to move with her. The vision was mesmerizing, but her smile sent mixed signals to the white elf. Alex looked at her, staring into her gaze as she walked toward him. 

"I knew I would find you here," she said, prompting him to stand up. 

"You knew?" he asked. 

"Yes, I never miss a target." That phrase sent shivers down Alex's spine. And if she is here to kill me, Alex thought, 'maybe she is a chimera sent by Kael, and it was all a ruse to make me lower my guard. That thought haunted Alex in the seconds that he stood there staring at her.

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