
Alex Makes a Propposal

Alex looked at the crowd in awe. His name, being chanted by the masses, was an exhilarating feeling. He had felt it before in FrontHold, but here it was different. 

Here, everyone had seen him in action, winning, and thriving, and they were calling his name at the top of their lungs. Orcs and White Elves united in a single chant. Alex felt the sun burning his skin as he raised his arm to the sky and pointed the tusk toward the audience.

They became even more excited about it. 

"The Underdog's story. This is why you came here. This is why our Empress is giving you a new day to celebrate. To celebrate the building of a new world, the building of new citizens. These three newcomers proved, and they will keep proving, that change can come. Our Empress is bringing change!"

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