
Gladiators’ Pit (4)

That was probably the fastest fight Alex had ever witnessed in any sport. Not even a knockout on the first boxing move had seemed as fast as this one. Still, Alex had the impression that, due to the devil's hand intelligence attribute, he could watch complex and fast movements with more attention.

It looked almost like he was watching it in slow motion when he was really concentrated.

The giant man came swinging with the two axes in a horizontal movement, and Kael'Talar dodged to the side, using his blade to deflect the blow. As if already expecting the move, the big man changed his footing to knock the elf with his elbow in a crashing body strike.

Kael'Talar didn't stop the human's strike or try to dodge it, as the giant expected. A foe so large and extensive is accustomed to others fearing his size and strength. Not Kael'Talar. If Grilliard was going to bet, Kael'Talar would too.

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