
Nothing is important. Honor is dead. We're all going to die

"Firstly, I must say I'm proud of our new members. Rel'Tir, Tina, and Valther. You three showed true valor today. A trio of newcomers with way less training than what I planned, and you three showed an aptitude to combat," Ratamir said with his big smile, scratching his long red beard again. Alex could see the same pride in everyone's eyes. They were pleased about their success, and Alex was delighted by it.

"I am more than pleased with the fact that we found you before the Empress and her army," Ratamir said and looked to the lieutenant and the priest at the far end of the tab, "please don't say that to her," the military elf smiled. Ratamir continued, "I'm known to be a killjoy sometimes, I must admit, but someone has to be… So here it goes,"

Tina leaned against her chair. The dwarf had hit her with one of those moments when they left Valinor days ago and was about to repeat the same feat,

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