
Thirty Two

Chapter 32

Mary knew that it was not the case since those who were contaminated with a contagious disease from the kuris, the shiras, were being banished at once. She was just genuinely worried about how the girl was behaving. 

Or perhaps, should she just worry about herself seeing that the girl is obviously living better than her? 

Cara chuckled at her best friend's nagging. "Hey, what do you know? Body heat is the best way to fight the cold winter." She proudly stated before taking another sip of the hot water. "You should snuggle with your furry husband once in a while. It's pretty nice and very practical." 

"No. Thank. You." The girl crossed her arms passionately making an 'X' sign. "That fatty's fur is so annoying. It's rubbing into my skin like a dirty, frigid scrub. I don't want to get rashes." Mary answered harshly which made Cara shrugged in return. 

Okay, she lied. It was cozy and comfortable but still! Mary was not happy with it.

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